Ethernet / UDP Problems

Okay, I am very excitited if this will work out :slight_smile:


I got the Ethernet working on the ESP32. I tried 3 different shields, but only got success with one.

Not working: Arduino Ethernet shield 2 and keyestudio ks0156. Both are for Arduino uno. Maybe it is a 5V, 3,3V problem, as the ESP only has 3,3V GPIOs and the uno 5V.

The working one was a W5500 for 3,3V. The pins are the normal SPI config: MOSI23 MISO19 CLK18 CS5

A new beta version of the GPS roof unit code is online. It supports Ethernet, NTIP client included, multiple wifi networks. So you can use a mobile phone hotspot to get NtripData and connect to AOG via USB nor Ethernet.