General Purpose Autonomous Rover

Lots are using the Ardusimple F9P based board with AOG. Works very well once configured. Not quite plug and play like the £8 things. I started with one of them too!


Are you saying it will, running north to south, cover the entire field east to west, then you want to do it again west to east. or is it just running one ABLine and stopping?

Yes that’s exactly what I’m asking: if I start in the SW corner and set a N/S AB line with the uturn set to right, it will now successfully follow the AB Line and uturn, then keep repeating this process until it hits the eastern border.

In my case I am using a 30cm tool; if it performs (e.g.) 20 uturns before hitting this boundary, it will probably only offer about 10% coverage of the field in one “pass”. Therefore I will need to get it to perform multiple passes of the same field.

Just wondering if I can automate this, or whether I will need to manually intervene each time it hits the far end boundary.

Does that make any sense?

I’ve looked at that device, can I ask how you got on with it?

Very well up to now. I’m new to this stuff and at first I didn’t realise it needed to be configured so was having issues. However after downloading ublox u-centre and initially altering settings myself, then later applying a configuration file posted here on this forum somewhere, it worked like a dream. Basically set the correct USB port and Hz rate in AOG and it works. With ntrip correction it seems very accurate despite the station I’m currently using being 34Km away.

The thread with the configuration file details.

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You turn is very complicated. But there is a check that it runs at the end of a field and if there is nothing left then quit. You could modify this to if there is nothing left, swap you turn and do it again. You’d have to start with a skip an additional row or something, but it would be doable. In the hay field we make long “circles” in the field. Skip 2, back 1, skip 2, back 1. Kinda like welding. Or some combination that you get the field covered as you go across the field. I’ve been thinking of making this automated as well.

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Have you tried using this method of skips to cover the area.


I did not even know that was in there. Hmmm!!

I’m not sure if this feature is offered in the latest AOG. Will check when I get back in front of my laptop.

What version are you using here?

Thanks for that, I’ll get one and see how it all works!

Ok. It may have been removed. I dont use it as I have no narrow equipment. If its not in latest go back in the github history and build from date of video.

FWIW on the left are two ‘skip schemes’ I once proposed for small equipment. However a downside for me was that there are groups of field entries and exits so with a cultivator that creates local hills and valleys.
At the moment I only use the right scheme where exits and entries alternate so that that part of the headland returns to flat when finishing the field. Downside is it includes two traditional pullbacks.
Schermafbeelding 2020-01-17 om 13.11.35 PM

Looking at the 2018 date on your video, I don’t think this version is still available. The oldest release I can find is October 2019.

Ok, maybe it was just an idea at the time and not ever implemented.
Could be a good project for someone that has the need for it to code it.

With autoturn, that made that sequencing really difficult to do. But with GPS, rethink how a field is done, skip 2 or three all the way across the field and come back filling in gaps. You don’t need to keep turning in on yourself

Makes sense. It looks like I have the main functionality that I need as it stands, might have to do some actual thinking for myself from here.

I’ll go away and have a tinker, will post back results.

Really can’t thank you all enough for your time spent helping a random stranger, this is The Internet at its best.


Re. RTK GPS- I just ordered one of the cheap ($55) u-blox Neo M8T modules. Will initially try it with the (probably junk) antenna it comes with, RTKlib on laptop, phone 4G for data and an NTRIP stream from rtk2go. The closest station is about 65km away so I’m not sure how useful the correction data will be. 10cm accuracy will be good enough for my project though.

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If you get RTKLib working with the M8T, could you post a walkthrough? I’ve tried to set it up as an Ntrip server on an Rpi but I can’t seem to get it to send anything useful to the rtk2go broker.

Certainly will do. Will be a while till it’s shipped (from China) though. I read it spits out NMEA by default and you need to configure it to send UBX-RXM-RAWX… but I guess you knew that!

I’d ordered mine via CSGShop but I’ve been back and forth in the configurator and changed a pile of things, it just never seems to give what I need.

I’ve been over


and for whatever reason, I’m still missing something necessary in these explanations.