Getting ready to order parts

I got all my parts in! So that’s exciting and seems the PCB is assembled correctly, checked voltage with PCBV4.1 - build and test
Installed teensy had to solder the headers on to the teensy and the BNO085 but that was it. Note when ordering the teensy make sure to order the 2.0mm 3x2 tall header socket from PJRC for the Ethernet connection I did not do this and was short parts. F9P had pins soldered already.
I have a question regarding initial setup, I do not have a RTK source yet so can I get this working without RTK for now to test and tune? I am hoping just satellite corrections until I get my RTK? I am not able to get a GPS fix currently and I am not sure if that is because I have no RTK or something else? I flashed the teensy with Keya firmware but no movement at the motor, I am thinking this is due to no gps signal? I have not flashed the F9P and was not sure if I needed to? Lots of questions and thanks for all the help so far I know I couldn’t do this without all your support!

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