Grade control

Have you got any personal experience with this one?

Hi, unfortunately I could not use it because it uses only imperial measures, I tried to convert the.agd files that are in this forum to UTM but with poor results, there are various programs that convert lat. and long, in UTM, but then the elevation stays in meters, I am optimistic because it seems to me done well, I hope that we find a way together.

If you download open grade v3.0 from Github/BrianT, will the “About” state it is v.1.3?

What I need to do is make a survey and have my cut line 9 feet down. My antenna is on the excavator boom and I’m installing a pitless adapter and water line.

Version 1.3 was giving me a problem.

Would I be best off downloading open grade 3D v 1.0.5 October 2020. Pat-I/Opengrade

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The OpenGrade3D is made for use with a 3D plan, if you want just to run a ditch at a given slope, maybe give this a shot: GitHub - Pat-I/OpenGrade: Grade display for ditching and leveling

That’s the latest development of the OpenGrade AFAIK, maybe @Pat can confirm?

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For this you can use my OpenGrade v2.1.3 beta, it’s the one in @nut 's link. It’s @BrianTee_Admin 's with some more parameters like the ability to set a view distance under the ground.

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Thanks Pat n Nut.

I retrieved Opengrade - Cuz Retail Sucks v2.1.3

Looks good… A humble observation is the duplication of buttons n menus that accomplish the same actions is a bit confusing for this noob.

I’ll take the 'puter out to the job and connect to the antenna. The issue that I had was I could survey but couldn’t make a cut line (at all). I am hoping to make this cut line a couple of meters below the lowest surveyed point. An ability to input that depth looks like it is possible after clicking the “finger” then entering a number in “move cut line Up/Down”.

I’ll be working down in this 3 meter hole today, safely…

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Yeah to draw the cut line you have to use the “finger”
I use a mouse even in the tractor, so in the bottom right you can see distance from ground and precisely put the line.
When the cut line is completed you move the whole line up/down with the “move cut line up/down”

Here is the video from Brian drawing a cut line with his original OpenGrade, my version has more parameters but works the same way.

instead of mouse you can use the onscreen touchpad. thats what i do almost all the time :slightly_smiling_face:

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I cruised through the 328 posts and maybe missed it but wanted to know if grade control has an Ntrip client built into it like AOG. Does AGIO work with Grade control? Have a neighbor that wants to do some grading with an F9P as a receiver, thought he could just plug F9P into laptop via usb and just trying to order the right pieces to get Ntrip connections into the F9P.

OpenGrade3D(for grading with a prescription map) has a built in Ntrip but OpenGrade(for standalone grading) not.

I use an F9P so for OpenGrade I use the Ardusimple bluetooth module on the receiver.
I use the Lefebure android-ntripclient.
See around post 164, there were some talking about RTK correction.

Thanks for the info. Think that’s the plan hear, going to install a Ntrip wifi master right on the f9p so it can get Rtk.

So how difficult would it be to have 2 antennas and control each end of the blade?

Run 2 independent systems, assuming you have separate hydraulics to lift each end of the blade.

Will the same gps strings work for open grade as for AOG, like GGA, Rmc and VTg. That’s all I have turned on the F9p now so hoping that’s enough.

Yes, it just uses GGA if I remember correctly, but you can send all strings no need to turn some off

Actually, 2 independent systems might work! :thinking:

It would be doable to implement dual antenna.

first option: Implement a second port for a second antenna,
Pro: No need to put all the lateral distances, just put antenna above each extremity, give the vertical error from each antenna to the arduino and make the calculations there.
Con: Maybe some timing errors

second option: Use the Dual antenna like AgOpenGps, just parse the PAOGI? Probably easier to implement? Con: need to put all distances, Pro: a more complete option.

I have took a look at the code of AOG v5.2.2, looking to use it for surveying and eventually use as a base for a new version of opengrade3D, it’s a lot more complicated than previous versions! I’m completely lost!(for now :yum:)

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Surveying should be quite doable, isn’t the elevation already stored in the contour.txt in AOG anyways?

I’ve been thinking it could work just as an independent application on top of AOG, much like the variable rate control app Releases · SK21/AOG_RC · GitHub As the leveling is very much like rate control in the end, then we could have like an add on to AOG instead of a separate app and wouldn’t need to worry about keeping in sync with AOG codebase. So you’d only get the location etc. from AOG, feed that to grading app, get the correct level and run the blade control from there, also have the graphical plot of the cut/fill etc in the app. Thoughts?

I think that would be the way to go instead of having 2 separate but somewhat similar apps that diverge. What are the cons.

First I thought this could be a good idea but there is a lot of data needed from AOG especially all the easting/northing stuff.

Not from what I see, the third is heading in rad? probably because kml files don’t have an elevation?
OptiSurface need an elevation value for the boundary pts in the ags file.
Have not tested yet to open a file without boundary.

I think you could access the GPS data directly via AgIO, basically parse the NMEA string coming from the antenna. Haven’t really familiarized myself with V5 code yet, should take a closer look.

Would this end up making things more complicated to tie it to AOG ? Just my thoughts