Hi, let's refactor

Greetings @Jozef!

How many new projects are you interested in? This summer I started using OpenGradeX, one of the few OpenGrade variants. The original was based on an old version of AgOpenGPS, then it was modified by @Pat to become OpenGrade3D and @BlackAce also modified a version called OpenGradeX. I started modifying OpenGradeX to work with wired UDP modules like the All-In-One autosteer PCB and make some bug fixes as it appears BlackAce has moved on to other projects and his wireless ESP32 module PCB design is not available. I feel the OpenGrade series of programs needs a complete rewrite from scratch bringing them all together into one new program.

Here is a brief explanation of the current differences

Here is the main thread BlackAce started for OGX

Here’s my thread starting the discussion on a rewrite