How to use Ublox F9P base for Topcon RTK

Hi i have a f9p as a base station and ive been able to get rtk with my f9p rover. now i want to get rtk with my topcon rovers like a Hiper sr. i am familiar with rtklib to convert or add rtcm msg. I am also familiar with snip for adding msg. i’ve tried a lot of rtcm combos and nullantenna but can’t get a fix only initializing.
I am wondering what you guys did to get your f9ps to work with topcon. I can give more info if needed, Thanks for the help

Do you have RTCM 1008 included? Is this Hiper sr a dual constellation receiver or a more modern one? It may not accept MSM messages (I guess more of a problem with AGCO or Fendt branded Topcon AGI-4 receivers).

I have tried 1008 by its self using rtklib and I’ve tried using snips injection of 1008. I’ve been reading about TADJ parameter and might mess with that. I am pretty sure I have this Hiper sr I am using pocket 3d (with the unlocks I need for rtk I think) to connect my f9p ntrip data to the hiper sr. I know my topcon stuff is different from a lot of people on this forum but I would think it’s close enough to work? I also have a hiper v rover and base I think those are older but I do have a new system for my excavator that uses This I will do more research to answer your questions better. Thanks for the help means a lot :heart:

I assume you or someone on this forum has gotten pretty good at using a f9p base for topcon rovers. I’ve read lots of old post people getting closer closer to figuring it out. I’d like to know the latest ways of being successful. Thanks

Topcon AGI-4 works fine from RTKBase, F9P with RTKLIB inserting RTCM 1008 (ADVNULLANTENNA for antennainfo and -TADJ=1) but the AGCO branded ones need legacy messages, RTCM1004 & RTCM1012.

Google gives different specs for the Hiper SR, GPS/GLONASS only but perhaps RTCM support depending on SW release. The latest specs tell MSM output but nothing mentioned about supported input. Did not find a manual. I would expect MSM being supported but why not try the simplest legacy message set.

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I never changed anything on my base stations. Trimble raven topcon all works fine.:man_shrugging:

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I will try to do what you did NorthernFarmer for your AGI-4 then i’ll try the legacy way. do you still do 1008 and tadj for leagacy? I found the hiper sr outputs

TPS, RTCM SC104 v2.x, 3.x and MSM, CMR/CMR+

ASCII output

NMEA 0183 version 2.x, 3.x and 4.x
i will try and do more research about my sr. I don’t think topcon wants us to know what supported input it takes. Thanks. Edit: I found manuals Here you may have to login or make a account with topcon to veiw

As per my knowledge, To integrate Topcon rovers like the Hiper SR, the process can be a bit nuanced. You should follow these points:

  • Verify RTCM Messages
  • Check Message Settings
  • Firmware Versions
  • Receiver Configuration
  • Check Base Station Settings
  • Diagnostics and Logs
  • Consult Manuals and Support

I hope this will help you.

Respected community member :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Okay I will look into that. I’ve been reading about Topcons software TRU it will show me lots of info for my Topcon rovers. Thanks I’ll get back if I find something

Here is some more information on my Topcon hipersr
It’s pretty up to date and accepts rtcm. I will try to get rtk with northern farmers advice and will get back if I fail or succeed.

@NorthernFarmer dose the 1008 handle the TADJ? or do i need to enter that here?
also did i fill this out right? Edit: ive heard theyve fixed this issue with tadj with newer versions of rtklib :man_shrugging:

Now I stream rtklib v.demo5 b34i to snip and I get this info

I was not successful in getting rtk from that process. Maybe i didnt send the right rtcm msgs? I know the ntrip is working and sending data over wifi. Maybe i need to look more into snips PFAT features? Did you guys notice anything i did wrong? All i get is initializing. Here are some more pictures

I will try these msgs
Edit: same failed results, no rtk. I even let it sit for 10min

Ok i use topcons TopNet Live Correction service for RTK for my Topcon rovers. I was able to login via snips relay streams so i can see what RTCM msgs it is sending out. here is what i got:
I know these work for rtk on my topcon so i will try these with my f9p! Edit: same result no rtk,ill try more tomorrow, i’m still not sure what tadj even is really i know its something with observation time stamps and i want to make them rounded but i’m not sure where to put that info. thanks

Your receiver looks OK, quite similar capabilities as the Fendt branded Topcon AGI-4 we used to have.

Interesting that TopNet Live is sending RTCM1007, no RTCM1008. Honestly I cannot remember why but we used to send both RTCM1007 and RTCM1008 for our AGI-4.

Something obvious you could mention: your base and your rover are placed under clear sky view, not inside (from the number of satellites this looks ok)?

Can you explain your caster configuration. Are you using SNIP as the caster that Hiper sr connects to? How do you connect to TopNet and how do you connect to SNIP? The Hiper sr user manual is vague, there must be some configuration manual separately, it does not mention anything about NTRIP or connectivity settings, does not mention wifi, just bluetooth and cellular.

Your STRSVR had all messages configured for the same rate, still SNIP reports a more typical schedule, 1004 and 1012 every second, the rest less frequently. How did this work out? Does no make a difference here though, just curious.

You did not show any scenario where RTK correction age would have been acceptable. Must be so with TopNet, you should confirm us that you get less than a couple of seconds latency from your private base.

The user manual briefly mentions that the receiver needs to be configured as a rover or as a base. As long as it is not configured for a fixed base location, I’d expect it to work as a rover but just guessing as the product documentation (that I could reach) did not say anything.

If you can see low RTK correction signal latency, you might try a quick test and enable only GPS on your rover (other than GPS and Glonass are not useful in any case, must be automatically ignored).

Yes I have a clear view of the sky. I average around 40 satellites at all times. below is a picture of my base and a chart for satellites

I am using this Antenna . the wire goes into my house to the f9p to my pc.
Edit: i did not mention this but my topcon rover also has a clear view of the sky when i am testing

The way I connect snip or topnet to my topcon rover is with topcons android software Pocket3D. I connect the topcon rover to my android tablet via bluetooth in pocket3d, Then in Pocket3d i have the option to get corrections from ntrip. When i am out in the field i can use the cellular from the android tablet to connect to topnet via ntrip. When i am home i connect to my wifi so i can connect to snips stream of my f9p via ntrip(this is for testing purposes,in the future id like to send the snip ntrip data to rtk2go so i can access it from the tablets cellular data plan) also i can see the age of the corrections in pocket3d its usually around 0-1 with topnet or snips stream of my f9p (picture below of snips f9p stream age) so i know its getting the data, it even shows the distance i am from my Private base.

I will try to stream topnets ntrip thru snip and connect my rover to snips stream and see if that even works. Edit: wow i was successful and got rtk using snip but snip is streaming topnet(not my f9p). To be able to connect topnet to snip i have to send my location to topnet(i think it uses that info to stream the closest base to my location for best results) Edit2: the cool thing about this is topcon charges $1500 a year for topnet to only send ntrip data to 1 device (that is the plan i have now) but then if you want to use 2 devices it is $3000 a year. i wonder if i can just stream topnet to snip then snip can send that data to multiple devices for free (you do have to buy snip full version to use snip longer than an hr but that is a one time payment i think)