How to use Ublox F9P base for Topcon RTK

Yes for my first STRSVR test i did have all the msgs at the same rate, I sent that to snip and i think snips PFAT parse feature automatically configure what rate it should send out. When i tried to copy topnets msgs i did add the rates to STRSVR (picture below) and i got the same rates in snip but that still did not work for rtk
I did not include -TADJ=1 in the options because i am not even sure thats where it goes. i have no idea what is and what to do with -TADJ=1. how do you implement -TADJ=1? do i even have to? I also did notice i didn’t send a 1007 but a 1008 instead. i will try with the 1007msg and i will also try to enable just gps on my rover

Edit1: here is what i got in snip from my f9p STRSVR
Edit2: Failed results no rtk. i even did try gps only on my rover. maybe ill try 1007 and 1008 together?
Thank you @NorthernFarmer for taking the time to help me

I cannot find anything wrong with your approach. I can neither give advice on the TADJ issue, I use it on the RTKBase app that passes the parameters to RTKLIB.

Have you been able to verify your F9P base with any other GNSS receiver? Anyone near you who could test it? I’d like to see that the base coordinates are OK, to be sure F9P is not in survey mode. I guess SNIP would complain if RTCM1005 was not OK.

Interesting that you got Top Net sending to your NTRIP caster. I thought RTK providers had means to disable signal sharing. I have no experience on commercial RTK corrections though, always used my own base.

now I don’t use STRSVR anymore but when I last used it I used convert from rtcm3 to rtcm3, don’t know if it matters?

This is how I start my base, i connect the f9p to my pc via usb, open u-center i connect to f9p com port, rates are usually set up at 115200, if not i change it to 115200, my f9p base is already configured to send ubx and rtcm3 messages so all i have to do is put it in timemode3 and manually put in longitude latitude altitude (the way i got my long lat and alt is i surveyed the point where my f9p antenna will be with my topcon rover with rtk) I saved that configuration to my pc so i can just load it to the f9p.

Now i could just start a ntrip caster with u-center and send the data to my f9p rover and i get rtk easily or i can disconnect my f9p from from u-center and connect it to STRSVR via serial and output to ntrip server (snip) with the conversions from ubx to rtcm for my topcon rover

huh i just noticed that the long lat height/altitude (LLH) of snip (right) is a little different from u-center (left). I can use snips pfat feature to correct this and see if that was the problem

these are the coordinates i got for my f9p antenna with my topcon hiper v with rtk. also note that u-center rounds up or down the last 3 digits even if i type all digits in timemode3. and if you notice the height/altitude is about 6 inches off from what u-center reports is because the f9p antenna is about 6inches up from where i surveyed.

I do have an other topcon receiver that accepts ntrip data for my mini excavator but ill have to try it when i bring the machine home because everything is wired around the machine. i don’t know anyone else that could test my base for themselves. i will try to see if i can get rtk with my f9p rover using snips stream from my base i will not correct the LLH in snip yet and i will kept the same msgs from STRSVR conversions.

edit1: okay i was successful in getting a fix using the snips stream(picture above, right side) with nothing changed, snip wasn’t as fast at getting a fix as just streaming ntrip data through u-center, it was a little unstable at first to but after a minute it was locked on a fix. i connect my f9p rover via usb to my Microsoft surface (tablet pc) and connect to u-center and entered the ntrip credentials

I have never heard of the RTKBase app and ill look into it. can i ask how your setup process is? @NorthernFarmer

edit2: i deleted the pictures with the coordinates for privacy reasons

Trying to recapture to be sure I got the above right: you had an F9P rover receiving RTK corrections from your own F9P base and the F9P rover got RTK fix but your Topcon sr still does not work with your F9P base? Progress in any case. Hopefully someone familiar with Topcon sr will figure out the issue.

Probably makes no difference here but I’m puzzled about the base coordinates being different as reported by SNIP. I run SNIP too, my RTKBase feeding a stream to snip and in my case SNIP reports exactly the same coordinates as I’ve entered on RTKBase. Are you sure you are using TIME MODE “2-FIXED”?

Your Topcon tool reports coordinates at extreme resolution. By default F9P uses 6 decimal digits (hope I got this right from memory) and 8 digits in high precision mode. Seems you are configured with HP which is essential but no further resolution is needed. This should be in some mm range, a fraction of practical accuracy anyway.

I’m not sure if it makes sense for you to more to RTKBase just to cover some RTKLIB details. You would need a Raspberry Pi, not too expensive to try though. I see you have a paid SNIP app, I’ve never paid anything for AG GNSS SW, perhaps I’m too concerned about spending a few dollars. I understand you have used some excavator tools, I guess those are even more expensive than commercial agriculture GNSS tools.

RTKBase is discussed here:

More here:

I’ll add more about my RTK base experience via a private message.

Yes i got a fix with my f9p rover using the same msgs topnet uses.

I am using time mode 3 ,2-Fixed Mode (picture below)

For snip I am using a Evaluation Copy of Snip it is free to download and i think includes everything the premium version but i can only use it for 1 hour than i have to restart the program. if i can get this f9p working with my topcon stuff it’s highly likely i’ll buy snips PRO version for $4,850 I think it’s a one time payment.

I haven’t learned much about using raspberry pi but i’m willing to if it’s what i need to do

I will private message you to and if i find out anything useful for using an f9p for topcon rtk i will add it to this forum. thanks for all the help i hope to resolve this issue. any advice from anyone is much appreciated.

Here is my excavator setup if anyone was wondering about the topcon 3d system i have

2 Rovers are topocn GR-i3 not sure what the screen/data collector is maybe mc max the modem is a mc i4 i think and the radio is a UR-1