Hydraulic valve assemblies for Every tractor, for every type of hydraulic system

I didn’t realize he had his own website, good to know. So all the valves he sells have 30L proportional valves, the only difference is the lock valves? (As far as the steering goes, I understand the difference between OC and CC valve blocks)

Hmmm. I’m sure not many people are familiar with the Allis Chalmers 4WD articulated tractors, but the ones id like to put the valve on are the Allis 7580, and Allis 4W-220, which have very similar steering systems. The max pump flow is 20 GPM (or 75.7 L/m), however, the main pump is oversized with a priority valve so you don’t have to run the engine at full RPM to get good steering. I the the orbital motor only takes 12 GPM max (45.4 L/min). So I’m on the edge of deciding whether to get the 30L valve and try it, but I’m thinking I probably wont be satisfied with the max steering speed.

Edit: So I did more research on what orbital motor the tractor has, and it is a Char-Lynn 211-1178-002 which is 28.2 cu.in./r (460 ml/r). So according to my math, one revolution of the steering wheel per second would be about 7.32 gpm (27.7 L/m). I can definitely turn the steering wheel faster than one revolution per second. In fact, I know I will turn the wheel almost 2 revolutions per second when I’m REALLY trying to make a big correction fast. I’m thinking for the tractor to steer quick enough, I’d need at least a 40-45 L/min valve.

Here ia a 60L valve


Hello, we don’t offer OC/60L yet, we have LS/60L and both 30L, we have them on our webshop.

Hi. I am looking to install AOGPS on a CaseIH MX 255. I suspect it has a LS orbital, but not sure. It looks like it has 5 lines to it (P, T, L, R, LS), unless the 5th line is a drain or something.
This is the orbital from CNH parts:


I just bought the tractor and it is not yet in my possession. Can anyone confirm that this tractor has a LS steering circuit, and if the 30l Baraki valve is sufficient?

I’ve done 2 OC systems already with great success. This tractor is a bit bigger and newer than my last 2 installs.

LS/30L will be good.

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Thank you, I really need the 60L OC valve. Im going to see what I can find.

Sorry, I replied a few days ago :slight_smile:
We had a lot of work + Christmas and New Year.

NTF OC 60L blocks are not available for now. I may ask about RAVEN.

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Hi there, interested in valve price and debit for fendt 716 com2 and 926 com3.

You beter send him a email or go to his website then post here. I have a feeling his is kinda busy going true orders. :grin:

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Hello, for Fendt 716 com2 it will be LS/universal/30L (3500PLN) and for 926 com3 set consists of two valves, one proportional and LS control and the other a 6/2 flow divider (3800PLN)

Hello. I am from Switzerland and I am very interested in your steering valve kit for a Fendt 412 Vario COM3 tractor. I don’t know exactly what kind of steering system I have. Is the valve controlled with PWM? Could you please send me some more information and connection plans about the valve?


Hello from Australia,
I have a 1982 Steiger with LS steering, however standby pressure in the LS circuit is apparently 190-300psi. Is this within the range of the pressure cut out sensor on the valve blocks? I know they are adjustable but what range of pressure are they normally set at?
Many thanks for your help

I think that could be manipulated with 2 resistors(put different values) that u need on board anyway. Someone tried? I might be wrong…

If you have a pressure switch I would say around 600-800 would be a good beginning in general. For the Bakari valve you can (or should) have it much higher because the orbitrol is blocked, any movement will cause a big pressure spike.

But I would recommend to use a pressure sensor (transducer) to be able to set the threshold in AOG

On the baraki valve, the range is from almost 0 bar to 200 bar and adjustable with a screw. Unless you opted for the pressure sensor type. They both handle the max steering pressure on steering system.
The pressure “sensor” is placed between orbitrol and cut off/block valves, so no pressure (or standby pressure) when autosteer is on and you do not touch the steering wheel. Then when you turn steering wheel pressure rise to the max pressure for steering system (180 to 200 bar) and you can not spin steering wheel until autosteer turns of the power to the block valves.
I also recommend the pressure sensor outputting 0 to 5v.
I use an old baraki valve, so it is with the pressure switch.

I forgot to send the Reply…

The time where i got it, there was only LS and non LS i think. I got LS.
It works when engaged, but this error occurs when its shut off and I cant figure out, if it is the orbitrol or the valve

You can check the proportional valve, when it is doing the “trick”
Press the manual center knob of the A or B side (5mm diameter) to find out if spool is at center or a little to either side.
Measure if there is any voltage at A or B coil.
I have seen something like your situation on an OC valve where I probably put P and T opposite. At startup the proportional valve spool were pushed all the way to one side.
To check I pushed both A and B knobs in, then started engine and one always came out.

Hello Baraki,
I sent you mails and WhatsApp message. Please, could you answer ?

Ask navisklep.pl . They are official dealer of baraki and better is service. Baraki’s valves are very good to use.

Thank you. I’ll ask them. But I already paid 10 days ago on Baraki web site.
If Baraki doesn’t want direct order, he must close his website !