IMU autosteer help

yea i did it, i didint know, but tnx

You can look at this post “News update” towards December 2021, @jhandel published a modification to be able to use the BNO055 in V5

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u maybe have link? im kinde a lost on this forum cant finde a thing

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Have tested . Roll with bno55 IS a bullshit

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That’s why initially there is no support for it in V5

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That’s nothing new, use MMA for roll, like in V4.3, but this combination with BNO055 should work like in previous version.

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I think you guys just answered a question I was about to ask. Just back from dropping off a PCBv2 to a member here and he farms some pretty hilly land. I am struggling to find BNO08X at a reasonable price and have found a couple of “BNO085” units that, upon closer examination, turn out to be 055. He has discovered the same.

Is there a world of difference between these? Is the 055 no use on steep gradients?

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Look here:

BNO055 3 axis accelero, 3 axis gyro, 3 axis magno, running its ones fusion algorithms to output yaw, pitch, roll angles. But what subject to short term drift. SO it’s why it was use only for heading, not for roll.
MMA : accelerometer, so it can output pitch and roll, but as it’s an accelero, it’s very sensitive to vibration, so output signal was noisy.
BNO08x/CMPS14 : same hardware than BNO055, but with more powerfull algorithm to output really more stable values.


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So that explains why I was getting on fine with the 055 ages ago, because the fields I used were as flat as a pancake.

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sory fore bothering but one more qwestion file… wat shold i do whit it to be able to open it in arduino ide? also wats you guys think to use the gy-80 or gy85 board wold it work whit the code? its lot cheper and i have flat feelds

did you rename and unzip it ?

no, i wos not shure if i shold or not so i renaim it in autositeer_usb_v5.0 ? and unzip it?

firsc rename it to cancel the “.txt”
and unzip it to have a folder

and open the aduino files!

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thanks :slight_smile:

Were you using the 055 for roll though?

The way AgOpen uses IMU head is fairly tolerant of drift.

If you tried using a drifting sensor for roll the output could keep gradually rotating, even while the tractor is on level ground. This drift could get to the point that the program thinks the tractor is on its side (or even upside down) when it is still upright and steer quite a way off line to compensate.

Why not using BNOo55 without reading roll, only heading?! (If you have flat ground)

You Can. Just go in ino and send 8888 or 9999 for Roll . I forgot right value

Because the farm in question resembles a camel’s back :slight_smile:

tnx you all guys fore help i order the bno055 ( the 080/085 is kinde hig pirce fore it and also there is no one stock…) so wen i get it will turn off the roll component and test it and let you know my experience