IMU offset

Hello, I am encountering an issue with my ab lines, when I return on the same A B line my tractor has an aproximately 50cm offset to the right. My guess is that my PCB is mounted to the side of the tractor so should it be mounted on the center? If not can I fix this trough the agopengos software by offseting the antenna or something? Right now the antenna is mounted on the center

IMU location doesnt matter as long as right axis is selected in settings. Are you using RTK? If not its just drifting away, thats normal behaviour of single antenna system.

Are you using rtk?
This problem is very common and gets asked alot and its usually 1 of 2 things. You’ve possible entered an antenna offset by mistake, this number usually gets confused or you WAS isn’t zero’d accurately enough

If I turn around and drive the same way as the first time it drives on the same path, the issue only appears when driving back on the same line.

I am using point perfect trough L-band, teoretically its 3-6cm accurate, sorry if it gets asked a lot but I can’t find anything when I search it.

No problem.
The antenna offset figure is an easy mistake to make, have you double checked your antenna dimensions? Or possible you have an implement offset
WAS zero is a bit harder to get right, there is a video on how to centre it accurately whilst driving but i can’t find it.

It might also be that you have your antenna slightly one sided possibly

I’ll check everything you told me tommorow, thanks a lot!

If its out by 50cm the one way you could theoretically put a 25cm offset in to sort the issue
More often than not its usually the was not zeroed correctly

Any suggestions on how to minimize this antenna drift, and if a double antenna system fixes it how can i integrate it into my already existing single antenna system?

Im not sure how to minimize it, maybe better calibrated antennas. Why dont just use rtk instead and forget about drifts?

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My fields are located far away from my farm, no acces to ntrip and as I saw on the ardusimple website the only viable option for a base station that I would be able to connect to from my fields was the xlr one which they say it’s not allowed in europe. Did anyone use that or has any suggestions on how to build a longer range base station (around 15km range in a rural environment with a bunch of hills and valleys)?

The receiver antenna drift is only if you do not have rtk fix. Dual can not cure receiver drift if you still have no rtk fix. The imu drift is always on the heading degree from IMU, and does not matter because it is connected by the fix to fix degree calculated by AOG (tractor have to move). Roll from IMU is very stable, quite the same as roll from dual antenna system.
But dual can tell you the correct heading, also when parked.

In that situation I would go by the mobile base setup, mount base on a fixed post near the field, to have same ab lines every time. Then the European type xlr radio to tractor

Thank you but I will think about it. My really nice neighbours go around stealing my 2 euro water gauges so I don’t know how they will react when they see a relatively fancy looking base station straped onto a pole.

With that type of neighbours, it is too bad you have no mobile phone connections when in the field.

If I did I would’ve gotten corrections trough 4g. Fortunately those are cheap so I don’t need to install cameras in the middle of the field altough they will probably steal those too :).