JD 8230 hydraulic steering

@timmy95 so that plug that you have pulled out is the one that you have to wire the ibt2 to. the steering of the tractor is all based on voltages, not canbus. lots of good threads out there on this. due note that the danfoss setup requires the coffeetrac .ino and does not yet work with AOG V4. it works with version 3.9 AutoSteer_Button/AutoSteer_Button at master · Coffeetrac/AutoSteer_Button · GitHub.
follow the danfoss valve(weder) setup and it should all work good.
.ino for PCB+MD13S+Danfoss valve
hope some of my earlier pictures are of use to you. i have a hard time uploading photos due to how the file size of them works. there might be easier ways to wire it than how i did it but I’m like you, knowing enough to be dangerous.