Just starting, trying to make a first board

Hi all !
I’m a retired French farmer, planning to put first RTK, then autosteer on my daughter’s Renault Ares 816.
They are rather hilly fields, so we’ll need an IMU or dual GPS; the problem is of course the tilt corrections, but as well the fact that the tractor will go up a hill slightly sideways, not pointing in the direction it actually moves.

So, I’m looking at making my first PCB and I’ve a couple questions :
1 - which is the most current stable version : one I find at All in One PCB which takes me to a Google Drive with “Dual GPS v5-2.5” files, or one I download at GitHub GitHub - farmerbriantee/AgOpenGPS_Boards: Hardware PCB and firmware for AgOpenGPS Software with “Dual GPS v5-2.4” files ?
2 - on GitHub, I find a directory inside TeensyModules named “All-in-One-Std_AMP” with BOM, Gerber and PickAndPlace files, the other being named “Panda_Board” with a Gerber file : which is the proper Gerber file ?
3 - may I start with a dual GPS board, with a single GPS and an IMU, maybe upgrading later on with a 2nd GPS ?
4 - last question : a version 4 of the board is coming soon, right ?

Thanks a lot ! :slight_smile:

  1. Use the Google Drive v2.5 or if using motors the Micro V3 again on the Google drive.
  2. Use the one on Google drive.
  3. Yes, the majority of people use single F9P gps + IMU, you can add a second F9P gps if you want at a later date.
  4. Yes the version 4 for the Micro F9P is about a 7-10 days away. (Micro refers to the size of the F9P plug in module).