KaupoiMOD PCB v3

Wouldn’t you need a logic level convertor for 3.3V I2C? https://www.universal-solder.ca/product/3-x-logic-level-converter-4-channel-3-3v-5v-bi-directional-i2c-isp-icsp/

I agree a qwiic connector would be useful. Have a 4 pin header and use these: https://www.mouser.ca/ProductDetail/SparkFun/PRT-14425?qs=%2Fha2pyFadugCJeYbHA%2FF%2FIwcj2cWicueHJI%252BS8P1NuCiduz76BmArQ==

You could plug right in to any/multiple qwiic-enabled devices.

A couple of interesting ones are:
An I2C extender

An I2C relay

here are the numbers of these connectors



I just ordered this cable about which you write. Maybe I’ll have him at home tomorrow.
Then I’ll take pictures of what it looks like.

As for the level of logic voltages, BNO080 works without any problems with AOG.
The BNO055 bluedot has voltage-pull transistors.

I know that this is not the topic, but how do you solve the problem of manual steering and the disconnection of automatic steering.
I have two ways to solve this found on the forum.
according to this photo and according to this post.

Personally, I would replace the relay with a relay Pololu - Big MOSFET Slide Switch with Reverse Voltage Protection, MP

I think to implement it in PCB as well.


I use the second method, with a relay disconnecting the Cytron when steering is disabled in the ino sketch. I use a foot switch to disable steering.

Jerking with the steering wheel breaking out of my hands in order to raise the steering current does not seem to be a comfortable solution. I’d rather press a button.
It would be a good idea to have sensors that disconnect the AS before your hands hit the steering wheel.

Regarding the Pololu mosfet, I use these switches for solenoid valves, but if I’m not mistaken, they will not disconnect the reverse current from the engine.

@SK21 I saw there are a lot of discussions in some topics concerning the cable length of the I2C.
I can say that I am using a 5-7 meter CAT7 cable for my MMA and BNO.
Seems to work nice, getting some stable signals.


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If i need to mount the pcb in vertical position, which orientation the mma and bno should be ?

This is a picture from a wiki


BNO055 have a self calibrating function. So i think can be mounted in any orientation ?

Only MMA have the orientation problem ?

You can make a motor steering version with this mod :


Remote ( OK3, R3 , R5)

+15 from STEER and IMP

D2 +5V GND (C1)

D5 +5V GND

AUX A/D (R16 , R17 , C5 , C6)

Reset pin

A3 A2 A1 A0 5V GND pins

+3v3 GND

Fuse IMP and STEER in one 4 pin connector

Move OK1 and OK2 between arduino nano rail.

Move MMA in the OK2 position.
Move Motor/valve in OK1 position.

With this mod you can make a 80 mm x 100 mm board.

Maybe with the new info about bno080/85 or cmps 14, you could take away mma.

In the empty space you can add an hs8836a usb controller.
And for the panel connector you can use PXP4043.

So you can install ardusimple rtk2b in the same enclosure, with one usb panel connector.

@Kaupoi How do you mount your WAS to your tractor?
I saw you suggest a RTY090LVEAX, I’m a bit lost on how to do that. Would it be possible for you to share a picture of the actual mounting and mechanical connection of the WAS?
Thank you!

Here’s few links to my photos:

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This is correct wiring for BNO08x?

Remove MMA and BNO055, 3.3V (PCB) to VCC (BNO08x)?

sense components


For CMPS14

35451_cmps14 pins

can connect directly or use two PCA9615 and ethernet cable?


In PCA9615 3.3v(PCB) to VDDA?


Kaupoi v3_LI

Which wires do you jumper to bypass having to use relay ?


im having an issue, the was stopped geting a signal, the gnd and 5v pins seem to be powered correctly, the ads1115 works fine but theres no signal coming from the was, what could be the problem?

Have you checked if voltage arrives at the WAS and if there is voltage at the pin signal? Something like this happened to me when I had mounted temporary pins before mounting the suitable connector for the Delphi sensor

Short guide how to fit Adafruit BNO085 to KaupoiMOD PCB v3.

Cut SCL and SDA traces under the board between BNO055 slot and Nano.

Cut SCL and SDA traces on top of the board between BNO055 slot and ADS1115.

Drill BNO055 slot 2 mounting holes closest to Nano bigger. 3,5mm should be big enough.

Drill Adafruit BNO085 2 mounting holes bigger. 3mm should be big enough.

Solder jumper wires at pins SDA and SCL between Nano, BNO slot and ADS1115. SDA and SCL needs to be crossed at BNO055 slot. See Adafruit BNO085 pinout. Be extra careful!

Remove MMA if installed. Place Adafruit BNO085 to BNO055 slot. You can use M3x11 standoffs.

If you did it carefully enough, you should now have a working BNO085 on KaupoiMOD pcb v3 that can be used with AOG v5.

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Hello, is it possible to install a current sensor to cut the engine on the v3.0.3 version?

I have to install it on which pin of the arduino?


Same for V3, A0, 5V and GND