I am using an IBT2 to control the steering on an 8330 with Danfoss. I have 12v on the Udc pin, and the pwm signals from the arduino sets the Us. 6V steers straight ahead, 9V to the left and 3V to the right. I have some pics JD 8230 hydraulic steering . Its not a clean setup but it has been working nice on my one field test cultivating. @theGtknerd i noticed while i was originally setting up that with 1 hz on gps it was all over the place, but now at 10hz its smooth. Any chance that could be an issue for you? I have been using v3.9 with the coffeetrac button ino. I think that with the code written like i have it below that it seems to be working fine on my bench test setup but no actual field experience yet. I am a total arduino beginner so if anything in this coding seems wrong please let me know.
Autosteer PID
void motorDrive(void)
// Used with Cytron MD30C Driver
// Steering Motor
// Dir + PWM Signal
if (aogSettings.CytronDriver)
pwmDisplay = pwmDrive;
//fast set the direction accordingly (this is pin DIR1_RL_ENABLE, port D, 4)
if (pwmDrive >= 0) bitSet(PORTD, 4); //set the correct direction
bitClear(PORTD, 4);
pwmDrive = -1 * pwmDrive;
//write out the 0 to 255 value
analogWrite(PWM1_LPWM, pwmDrive);
{ // Danfoss: PWM 25% On = Left Position max (below Valve=Center)
// Danfoss: PWM 50% On = Center Position
// Danfoss: PWM 75% On = Right Position max (above Valve=Center)
// Used with IBT 2 Driver for Danfoss
// Dir1 connected to BOTH enables
// PWM Left + PWM Right Signal
pwmDrive = pwmDrive / 4;
pwmDrive = pwmDrive + 128; // add Center Pos.
pwmDisplay = pwmDrive;
analogWrite(PWM1_LPWM, pwmDrive), // apply varying voltage to the Usignal valve pin
digitalWrite(PWM2_RPWM, HIGH); // apply 100% DC current to Udc