I have been using agopengps for some years now, and I have a problem with stable position / heading.
I use all in one std 4.1 pcb ardusimple f9p single gps. F9p with firmware 1.13 and configuration by configumatic, Teensy also set by configomatic, and aog version 6.3.3. I have a stable RTK fix.
The gps position jumps very fast from left to right multiple times per second, even when driving straight and on almost flat surface.
I tried different settings, firmwares, sattelite constellations, no difference.
It happens with all versions of agopen, tried from 5.5 to latest version.
When I open the heading chart, IMU heading is very stable and fix2fix is very unstable and causing the system to whiggle.
Was the field created to far away from your position? This can be seen by the easting/northing numbers which shouldnt be greater than a couple of thousand. If you use lastest AOG version it should not happen since it gives a warning.
Do you have a tablet with integrated GNSS? Someone once managed to connect the internal through the COM ports, having two positions source.
I created the field on the field itself. No integrated gnss, (panasonic FZ-G1)
I also tried another antenna, and even repositioned my antenna wire throuth the cab to be sure there could not be interferrance from other power cables of the system … still no luck
what do you mean with “in the spots”? (I think all settings are ok, checked it many times but wil do it again)
Strange thing is sometimes it drives ok for about 50 meters and suddenly a big heading whiggle appears… where the imu always stays stable. But I can’t figure out if it is the F9P position that’s wrong. Also thought about the same could happen when BNO gives roll spike so corrected antenna would be wrong. But roll seems to be stable…
no improvement today… I know the trick of antenna height but does not make any difference. In that I can conclude problem is not bno?
I tried the “reset everything” in menu and made new field again, no difference either.
I have also tried using different sattelites, and combination of 2 instead of 3 constellations (to see if 2 constellations made things better in case F9P should be “too busy” ) but also no difference at all.
Also, the upper part of the heading chart, green and “orange” only plots when driving north-south. All other directions the line is flat. Only the line on the underside (the mint color) is always plotting.
I noted this before, but I also have to Invert Roll to make it work correct, is this normal voor the AIO pcb? (The orentation of the box is correct with connector on the rear side)
yes, the box is placed flat on cab floor with arrow to the front side of tractor and connector to rear side of tractor.
I also tried swapping BNO, complete F9p (rtk2b) , teensy and after that complete all in one pcb. No difference. In fact, my other tractors also do exactly this
Before configomatic, I thought it could be a wrong setting in f9p somewhere (but have spent a lot of hours reading on this forum so was almost certain everything is set ok) but now we have configomatic, there must be a lot of users with exactly this setting.
Also using another tablet makes no difference.
To go back to bno, is it normal to have to invert roll to get it in right direction?
And I assume nothing has to be set to BNO, it works ok for aog out of the box right?
Nothing should be touched on BNO just plug it in.
IMU<>GPS fusion in aog settings? default is 70%
And minimum gps step, try both 5 and 10cm.
Roll filter for aio boards(panda based) must be 0.
May your base be in survey mode?
Do you get random RTK Float?
I tried from max to min bno/gps, no noticible difference
And minimum gps step, try both 5 and 10cm
also tried both, still no improvement
Roll filter for aio boards(panda based) must be 0
I tried 0 and 1 but no difference. Also, the whiggles are way faster than the tractor could ever move (somtimes 20cm in a spit second from left to right when tractor is not noticible rolling)
May your base be in survey mode?
No my base is running fixed. To eliminate base problems, I also tried base from nearby, no difference.
Do you get random RTK Float?
No, always rtk fix
Can you provide a video?
I will make a video as soon as I’m on the tractor again.
Do you have these jumps when you are not connected to the base?
Your absolute position will be a little off but it should be nice and steady.
Maybe you have some interference from a power source or a power regulator?
You have the recommended regulator on the board?
Maybe computer or phone charger.
Maybe some led lights or some RV receiver (walky-talky)
To be sure it is not about rtk corrections, I drove a couple of times without RTK correction for about 50 seconds (the system “looses” rtk after 60 seconds) and then put corrrections back on. No noticible difference in the time without corrections coming in.
Also the spikes are totally not in a patern. It can be ok for minutes, but also can go bad every few seconds.
It is really driving me crazy… will try without tablet charger tomorrow …
I have nothing in the cab like transmitters or radio… and also heater blowers off…
Only thing I thougt about maybe interferrence with 12-24V step up converter, but a lot of users use these. For that I re routed my antenna cable through the other side of the cab, never coming near any electrical component… still no luck.
On the aio pcb, the regulators are the ones listed (so recommended) at the time I ordered them.
I had a 12v to 16v step up on one of my tablets to charge it. This caused considerable interference so got rid of it. Don’t really remember what the symptoms were but the tablets charge fine direct from the tractor 12v. 2 x FZ-G1’s and 2 x CF-D1’s.
I have another step up powering a steer motor , mounted remotely from the AOG pcb. This seems ok although sometimes I do see a slight pause in steer if the motor has to make large inputs so maybe this is also not 100% ok.
Well, drove today without tablet charger, no improvement at all.
After that I downgraded to aog 5.5 LEGO, and used my AiO 4.2 pcb as “panda pcb” .
The steering motor and steer angle sensor connedted to my old pcb V2 connected per USB.
Still spikes, but the strange thing is, when shutting the system off and on, it always steers perfect without any spikes. Sometimes even half an hour. Than spikes come back again. Turn the system off and on again and spikes go away again for some time.
So almost certain all hardware should be ok…