Release 5.1.5 - No Delay fix?

Be absolutely sure you have set your power mode to best performance!!! Click on the battery or go into power settings.



AOG can work with any speed, the question is can your Dell. Dropping a few counts is ok, but it says you are pushing the limits.

I think what i should do is set the timeout to 80 milliseconds to not limit sentences to 20 msec jitter, but not causing a delay either. Make it more forgiving.

See the post above? Have you done that?

The power performance setting worked fine. 30 counts in 5 hours.


I have my power performance cranked and I am getting a couple thousand counts in a an afternoon. I also have lost my roll for some weird reason but my compass bearing is still working. I gave up and had to use my markers again.

Can you show a video where we can see the incomming messages and the frequency the receiver is running? What receiver do you use? Maybe in telegram group?

sorry i confuse this topic i recreate an other one here

I am all done planting now but I did find a few issues that were hindering my success.

1- my rtk2b gps receiver was giving me 1hz instead of 10 hz :s Not sure how that got changed.

2- I had my min pwm set so it would just start to move the wheels but my low pwm was to low and it made it to sluggish, once I turned it up things got better.

3 - My roll disappeared randomly and restarting everything multiple times wouldn’t bring it back. I had a hydraulic line blow on the planter and by the time I got back with a new one the roll was working again haha. I love it when things fix them selves.

As for the delay issue I have my tablet set to performance and I get the odd count every few min on the number to the left of the screen but its not counting up fast by any means. Things are certainly better now then they use to be.

@Slimfarmer number1 - i’m not sure but when you program nano and get to choose wrong com port so you send nano program to F9P instead might change it to 1 Hz, think that was what happened to me

That is very possible. For here on out I think I will isolate by unplugging everything but the one I am programming haha.


Ya, that is easily done, safest to only have the one you want or know for sure you are programming the right one.

Hello everyone, it’s impossible to change the language to 5.1.5. New language is saved in regedit but is reset when opening AOG. I think not save in config file.

Maybe you already knew that

Thank you so much for catching this, i did not know :frowning:

Bug is here, you need to add this, but i think you known that :sweat_smile:


Actually it isn’t. Would you like to keep exploring the reason? It’s a fun one. And also quite difficult because the code was deleted - so really hard to find the problem.

Hint, have a peek at Program.cs

I’ve problems with my small lateral mower, similar to this :

The mower is 2.1m wide, and it’s center work width is about 2 meter from tractor axis.
When the tool offset is above half tool with, tool width is wrongly calculated by AOG to twice the offset. (So my AB line are 4 meters apart, useless, I need AB lines 2.1m appart)
Funny thing, width calculation is updated correctly when y go to section part, but wrong when I leave the calculation tool.

The problem should be easily reproductible in simulation.

I found this also, I just removed the offset for the time being, I thought I was failing when there was no guidance lines, but maybe it wasnt just me!

Download from the AgOpenGPS main branch, i fixed the mower stuff. We are just testing, soon will release it as v 5.1.6

IT actually even turns the “wrong” way on uturn…

When there was an offset farther then the middle of the tractor - like a mower - the width of the tool was computed wrong. it always went from the middle to the outside of the farthest away point. That is why your ab lines weren’t right



Does this version have @KentStuff 's sticky lines incorporated into it?

Could it be implemented in future AgOpenGPS updates, that the implement is at the front of the tractor?

No, I based it off this version. I deleted all the look for abline delay, and it it only looks for an abline when it needs a new one. Otherwise I simply skips the howmanypaths away check. Then if changing the line, it checks for it again. It is all based on the autosteer button. If that is on, it is sticky. In order to look for a new line, it cycles the autosteer button off while it checks. Spit second and you can’t see it, but it turns it off, checks for a new line, picks that line and then turns the autosteer back on