RTKBase: a GUI for your own Gnss Base Station

I have DA910 antenna from drotek. I need about 25m of SMA cable to mount antenna over silo , is LMR 400 cable good enough? does it make too much signalloss?

Reading the user manual of my old NetRS receiver I would say that you are OK. 25 / 55 x 12 dB would make a 5,5 dB loss.

Did you consider the antenna preamplifier gain difference? NetRS assumes a Trimble geodetic antenna and those appear to have a significantly higher LNA gain compared to the Drotek.

EDIT: this discussion actually does not belong to this thread. Perhaps better to create a new one or moderators could move the not relevant part.

Sorry, I didn’t notice you’ve edited your message and ask me a question.

@Stefal is there some option to shut down the NTRIP service automatically if the receiver loses satellites? Or do an auto-reboot?

No, because there is no realtime signal analysis. I’m not sure if it could be a good idea if the real problem is a hardware issue.

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In the meantime figured it out, 4G stick was causing the USB to drop the F9P intermittently, probably power issues. Moved F9P to hardware UART and works now!

A new RTKBase release is available:


[2.3.2] - 2022-02-22


  • GUI → Status: Added a new default map background : Osm “standard”, from osm.org.
  • GUI: The footer include a link to the github repo. #191
  • GUI → Settings : Board name is displayed in the System Settings section. #194


  • Leafletjs upgraded to release 1.7
  • GUI → Status: Ortho HR (aerial images) max zoom changed from 20 to 21.


  • GUI → Settings: “Save” buttons are disabled when a new setting is saved. #193
  • The Rinex conversion is more robust and error message is more understandable.
  • GUI → Rinex conversion is now enabled only for zip files.
  • Fix “itsdangerous” module to version 1.1.0. #196

As always, click on the “Check Update” button to get it. After the update you have to clear your browser cache.
If you want that the new release number is propagated in the rtcm/ntrip service, stop/start these services.

A ready to flash image is available for Orange Pi Zero SBC here (wifi is disabled) : https://rtkbase.eu/armbian_rtkbase/Armbian_22.02.0-trunk_Orangepizero_bullseye_current_5.15.24_minimal.zip

Have fun!


Got this working a treat, thanks for all of your work Stefal.

I have two questions:

  1. Did the map issue ever get fixed? The OpenStreetMap map doesn’t show at all. Can switch to Ortho HR, but this obviously only shows France.

  2. The Height. I noticed Ublox U-Centre gives two altitude values: Altitude and ASL. Looks like
    RTKBASE gives the former, is it possible to get ASL? I’m really not sure how these relate to each other, but assume one is absolute and one relative?

And, as if by magic, the map is working :slight_smile:

Turns out that the issue was with Chrome. Tried it in Edge and Safari and it shows. Open it in Chrome and it doesn’t.

Probably a cache issue. Clear it in Chrome and it should work.

Altitude is heigh above ellipsoid, and Asl is above the geoid. GNSS stuff usually use the ellipsoid.


I’ve made an RTKbase with an old Pi B+ and an Ardusimple F9P board.

Whenever the Pi starts though, I get the ‘Failed’ red message with Failed to start GPS Daemon and no GPS data shows in the web admin.

I’ve run the GNSS detect & Config as above in this thread, and all appeared to work, but still no actual GPS data and the Failed message on boot.

Is there something I’m missing & is an old Pi B+ OK?

And as as update, after hours of messing yesterday I powered the Pi on this morning and GNSS started working! Onwards with the rest of the config now, and thanks for the software.

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If your Raspberry Pi is very old, maybe you got the same bug as the Raspberry Pi Zero : RTKbase img for raspberry Pi Zero - GPSD issue · Issue #175 · Stefal/rtkbase · GitHub

One feature will not work : the File Service when the Pi has no internet connection.

A small update is available for RTKBase:


[2.3.3] - 2022-02-28


  • Fix the Rinex conversion failure. #206
  • Restart Ntrip/Rtcm services after an update. #171
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It’s probably always worth testing with Ublox U-Centre first to ensure there are no issues with the device.

You really need to do this anyway so as to upload the relevant configs.

Updated, thanks for your work.

I have one small issue, it’s nothing too important.

Please see screenshot. If I try to zoom in, or move the map, is always bounces back to this screen. It’s impossible to zoom in properly.

This does not affect operation.

it seem you dont enter your base coordonate in main service configuration

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Perfect, thank you.

I can answer this one. It’s most likely because you have the wrong interface set in crontab (or some config file).

I have some problems with my RTKBase 2.3.3. My setup contains ublox F9P and Raspberry Pi3.
GPS works, I can receive GPS signal remotely from 5015 port by u-center, satellites are visible. Local ntrip caster works, I can receive RTK correction from LAN with AgOpenGPS.
RTKBase status page does not work, lat, lon, height are 0, no satellites are shown.
If I enable ntrip service to rtk2go it pops up on the caster table as a PENDING. After a while it dissappeares from the list.
This setup did work for some time. I think the map also did work. After a power down I noticed my ip was banned from rtk2go. I haven’t got it working since.

Edit. I don’t know what was wrong. I reinstalled rtkbase and now it works.

Again, probably the wrong com port specified in RTKBase Main Service.

I have noticed that mine can change from ttyACM0 to ttyACM1 after a reboot. Not yet sure how to hardcode this but if it happens again, then SSH to the Pi and run “ls /dev”and check the port entry for the RTK board. Compare this with what is listed in the Main Service.