RTKBase: a GUI for your own Gnss Base Station

RTKBase v2.6.3 is available! : More informations here

RTKBase v2.6.0 is available! : More informations here

RTKBase v2.5.0 is available! : More informations here

RTKBase v2.4.0 is available! : More informations here

Back in time:

RTKBase v2.0.2 is available!

New Features:

  • Web Gui
  • Automated installation
  • Automated setup for usb connected Ublox F9P
  • Satellite levels
  • Map
  • Settings
  • Update from the Gui.
  • Manage Raw data
  • Multiple simultaneous output streams (Raw/Rtcm/Ntrip)

GUI tour on video:


That looks like an easy install.
Just missing a ‘survey in’ function to set base position without having to run u-center on another computer?

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I’ve never used the survey-in function.

As RTKBase is mainly designed for permanent base station, I usually post process a 12 or 24H data file with an online PPP tools or with RTKlib, to get a really accurate position.

But, when you are on the status web page, the realtime location is calculated with RTKLib in static PPP mode, so after a few hours, the coordinates should be pretty accurate.
(When you leave the status web page, RTKLIB keep computing the localization for 15mn)

Is survey-in in U-center better to do this?

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My base station used survey-in, but with my new shop nearing completion, I want to move my base station to its roof, and I was thinking about collecting data for post processing. Can you do that with U-Center? I know that Canada has a web site I can upload some files to for post processing to get an accurate position. I assume I can just hit record in U-center and record many hours of data, and then convert it using a tool from rtklib to rinex. I’ll have to give it a try and compare the results with survey-in.

I’d like to have GPS numbers that line up closely with my cousin’s machines, which are using Trimble Centerpoint RTX. I’m not sure right now how my coordinates match up for accuracy. I know I’m about 3 metres off of what Google Earth thinks.

I can’t say for U-Center, but RTKBase can log the Raw data. Then you can convert the ubx file to rinex, and send it to nrcan for a PPP process.



RTKBase v2.1 is available.

New Features:

  • GUI → Status: Marker on the map with the fixed base’s coordinates.
  • GUI → Status: Optional Maptiler aerial image layer on the map (see ‘Advanced’ section in README.md)
  • GUI → Settings: Receiver dependent options on Rtcm and Ntrip output
  • GUI → Settings: Services diagnostic
  • GUI → Logs: Option to convert a zipped ubx archive to Rinex (for the IGN “Calculs GNSS Réseau en ligne”)
  • Gnss receiver (ZED-F9P): Disabling SBAS during configuration
  • Gnss receiver (U-Blox): During the first installation, if a U-Blox receiver is detected, -TADJ=1 will be added for Rtcm and Ntrip outputs. See #80
  • Gnss receiver: The config files extension is now .cfg
  • Miscellaneous: You can run install.sh from anywhere
  • Miscellaneous: Freeze python modules inside requirements


  • install.sh: Check if logname return a correct value
  • install.sh: Add dialout group to user
  • various bugfixes


If RTKBase 2.0.2 doesn’t detect this new release, see #93


The -TADJ=1 option is really useful if your rover use the F9P internal rtk engine. The fix is quicker and much more stable.


RTKBase v2.1.1 is available!!


  • rtcm services was sending data to the ntrip caster.

Hi @Stefal,
Thank you for sharing the RTKBase project here. I’ve been using it for a few weeks and I can testify now that it is really reliable to work in the field. It can be used with any NTRIP caster (I use centipede.fr) or directly via TCP (opening a port on the box is necessary though).
My setup is the following :

  • Antenna ANN-MB-00 mounted on a square 20x20 cm ground plane (ardusimple)
  • U-Blox Zed-F9P on SimpleRTK2B board (ardusimple)
  • Raspberry pi 3B+ (8 GB micro SD card)
  • Ethernet wired connexion to internet (no wifi)

After some research, the alternatives I found are :

All things considered, RTKBase is in my opinion the simplest solution to deploy a base station. It is also fairly inexpensive and beginner friendly.


Would it work with PoE ? I have placed the antenna on a rooftop that is far away from any power source and even WIFI. I allready have a PoE switch but i dont know anything about Raspberry Pi! How many Gb does it need to be ?

Hi @kris
Yes, this solution should work. I used a separate 5V DC power supply with longer wires, but a POE hat should work. Make sure that you have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ or a Pi 4 to use your hat. Any amount of RAM will work (1 GB (Pi 3), or 2, 4 or 8 GB (Pi 4)). Make sure the micro SD card is at least 8 GB though.
About the Ethernet cable, it would be recommended to choose a CAT6 rated, as it is less resistive for POE over large distances (no more than 100m though). Try it before mounting the cable in your building, it would be unfortuante to end up with a neat but not functional installation !

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Yes, I allready have Ip cams over the place and Cat6 cable :slight_smile:
Going to order Raspberry pi4 now :money_mouth_face:

For manufacturing of the base a PI3 is widely sufficient, cheaperand especially produces a lot less heat than the PI 4


Yes, POE is a good solution. If you already have a POE Switch, you can the official raspberry POE Hat, or a POE (at least 802.3af) extractor, I use a Trendnet TPE-104GS.

BTW: If you ethernet cable is partly outdoor, use a … outdoor ethernet cable.

Hi all, I am setting up a base station with a raspi 4. I have downloaded and etched the software onto an SD card. After I start up the raspi and everything is installed I am asked for basegnss login in and password. Could anyone tell me what that would be.


the password is “admin”

i have set up the rtk base, i can enter to web page created by raspberry pi but i don’t see any message from f9p. I am using a survey config from Franz Husch

What is the base gnss login?

Default Web access:

  • password: admin

Default ssh access for the raspi image:

  • login: basegnss
  • password: basegnss!
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Perfect, thank you!

Hi @Stefal,
Thank you for the RTKBase project.

I’ve been testenig it for a weeks and it works fine.

My setup is the following :

Antenna Trimble Zephyr 2 Geodetic on a tripod.
ZED-F9P RTK GNSS receiver board with SMA from https://www.gnss.store/
Raspberry pi 3B+ (16 GB SD card)
Ethernet cable connection.

I have a question, is there an option to add a serial port (RS232)
as an output for use with a UHF radio as a link to the rovers?

Thanks for your report.

I have a question, is there an option to add a serial port (RS232)
as an output for use with a UHF radio as a link to the rovers?

Not in the current release. It’s on my todo list but I don’t have any radio module to test this.

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