hello sorry for the spam to the forum, spent the last day trawling through trying to find an answer so i didnt have to ask!!
which ardusimple boards would i need for a base and rover for using rtk with, i had a look at their wifi ntrip caster and i like the sound of that. will i get away with the standard boards or is it better to spend the extra and get the f9p boards?
which antennas should i use for each of them?
many thanks yall!
Not sure which ntrip caster board are you referring to but most likely it is “just a caster”, does not have a GNSS receiver. You would need two GNSS receivers, F9P boards. Many solutions on top of that for a caster at the base.
These are the boards that most people are using. You need to purchase the antenna separately:
26 September 2021 11:57
It’s better to buy the kit with the antenna I think.
You save 10$ on the antenna
But first you must know (and tell us) if you want send corrections over Internet(Ntrip) or radio, this will afect the hardware.
You need one kit for the vehicle and one for the base. For radio ArduiSimple also have complete kits.
For Ntrip you can buy their NtripMaster to put over the simpleRTK2B board or use a Raspberry Pi or esp32 board.
I made a base station with a SimpleRTK2B and a Raspberry pi 4 running str2str sending corrections to rtk2go and I post here if it can help someone
My Raspberry run with Raspbian
I used this to build and configure str2str
Section 3.11 and 4.2 to build str2str and appendix A.5 for configuration.
To test (or run) str2str you can use a command like this:
str2str -in serial://ttyACM0:115200:8:n:1:off -out ntrips://:PASSWORD@rtk2go.…
RTKBase v2.0.2 is available!
This new release will help you to run your own GNSS Base station with a Single Board Computer.
A ready to flash image is available for Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi Zero.
It’s fully open source and it’s available here: https://github.com/Stefal/rtkbase
New Features:
Web Gui
Automated installation
Automated setup for usb connected Ublox F9P
Satellite levels
Update from the Gui.
Manage Raw data
Multiple simultaneous output streams (Raw/Rtcm/Ntrip)
Thought id make a post on my base station project for anyone else looking to do something similer.
Ended up using an ESP32, running ESPRTK, an F9P based ardusimple board, and ethernet for connectivity to the caster (Using RTK2GO for now).
Probably simpler now to just use the ardusimple wifi master board plugged into the F9P, but if you want to save a few quid, and do it yourself, here are some photos / video of my project.
I wanted to use ethernet over wifi as I try to avoid wifi on anything …
Correct, sorry.
This is exactly what I just bought this morning, plus a case for the board.
The cheaper one (that was suggested already) is fine with the wifi ntrip master.