Setup and connection issue

Did you have the Arduino IDE open? If so, then close it.

If the com port is connected to any other piece of software, then it is effectively used and not available to any other software.

a Trouble shooting section would be great. Not much info online. I got my bench setup working after a hard long 2 days. Not even sure what I did, Lol! Thanks for you help, so much appreciated!! Will install on my tractor and see how it goes, might pick your brain again soonā€¦
My bench setup:

The manual is a work in progress and from what Iā€™ve seen it is excellent.

My guess is that you had the IDE open and reading the COM port which locked it up so it couldnā€™t be read by AgIO. Something a reboot would probably have fixed. Small things can cause massive delays as I can attest: it took me 6 months to resolve a simple issue with a switch which I resolved with the almost infinite patience by the people here.

There is no question you can ask that I canā€™t out-stupid, just read my posting history!

What I can tell you is that these guys have created a system that works exceptionally well. My rig is a single antenna (with cellular based ntrip corrections) / BNO085 / PCBv2 / AOG 5.x setup and it autosteers (holds a line / turns within a couple of CM accuracy) pretty much out of the box.

Donā€™t get bogged down in the details, donā€™t think this is too good to be true


And it really does, loads of people are using it now. Look at Brianā€™s older videos on YouTube and he had a tractor rolling while he was in another one seeding and the autobot finishes its job and then drives itself back home again. That was years ago and itā€™s evolved a lot since.

If you hit any issues getting the broad system working, then the problem is not with AOG because it does work as described. The problem is at your end. Your hardware looks good, I just checked it against a PCB I have and itā€™s all correct. Try rebooting first, then post here if you have any questions. Iā€™ll answer any PMs you send me, but if you post here, then everyone gets to learn from your questions :slight_smile:


Very important statement for learning about com ports, the communication is only between the device and one program on the computer.

First come first serve gets the connection, and some programs will not let go of it without restart.

So glad computers restart faster now.

Iā€™m new to all this awesome technology. I want to give a big shout out to Brian and all the guys from around the world on this ongoing project! I was following this particular thread as Iā€™m in the middle of my first desktop build of Brianā€™s newest update with pcb v2. I was stumped for two days with arduino IDE and the create agent working with USB com ports and the nano. Bluerabbit hit it on the head with keeping the com ports open only for the arduino nano. My main problem to help others out is the arduino create page with the various sketches of code, you need to use autosteer_usb_v5_0. With that said, Iā€™m using usb cable instead of udp cable, but problem for me was not uploading and flash the AutosteerPID.Ino instead of the first one being the v5_0. If anyone has an idea why Iā€™d like to know.

Also, the serial monitor on the arduino IDE is helpful at knowing which code is loaded on the nano. I was lost with that until I found this button by my cursor!

Iā€™m no computer guru, just a previous mechanic now crane operator/ farmer. Hope this helps and yes a YouTube video showing people like myself from the start of downloading the software for arduino to the point of flashing the nano would be incredibly helpful. Thank you all and have a merry Christmas!!

Select only autosteer_usb_v5_0 and load it

other file have a link and be compilated at the same time without action

If you are absolutely right, that is why we are working very hard on manual release. I think all these questions will be very clear.
Many times we forget that there are users who do not have the computing experience that some of us may have, that this site is visited by various geniuses. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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Why BNO055 donā€™t connect whith V5?

BNO055 is consider to the past V4 version his capacity is totally worse compare to new generation

so fo V5 ignore it

check and find BNO080 -085 or CMPS14

This is good?

Yes, you need CMPS14 or Bnoo8x (Sparkfun, Adafruit or chinesse), this is Sparkfun version.

Check if itā€™s in stock

Not only is the chip shortage hampering availability of these imuā€™s, the current world situation is using them for building drones.

I was surprised to see reports of consumer available prototyping components being used.

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Good day, just need some help. I have a BNO 08x connected but OpenAg say ā€œYour lost, no GPS connectionā€ when trying to select field buttonā€¦ I was under the impression we can use only the BNO with out a GPS just for AB lines. Am I missing something? I connected the BNO to my V2 PCB and on separate USB but not sure how to go about/

The BNO will give you roll and a heading until gps is connected. You will know if BNO is working if the roll indicator reacts to it.

So your biggest issue currently is getting your gps unit connected and sending GGA. Your GPS is not connected.

OK, if I use simpleRTK2B+heading ( do I still need the BNO?

Do you mean using the VTG heading? Yes that would work, but you need to be in motion to get a heading. So

If you turn a GPS antenna in its base, it does not know anything has changed, its still on the same point. That is what the Imu is for, to give a more stable heading, when the GPS is turning but cannot detect it.

Operation is much more stable with an IMU.

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That setup is for dual GPS (dual heading), is that what you are working on?
As far as I remember, the ino for that setup makes both heading and roll.


I connected my Ardusimple GPS but IMU (Bno 08x) heading/roll movements is very very slow with response rate. Any advice?

Are you using the V2 board?

Yes, when I connect BNO in separate Ardiuno it seems to work betterā€¦ Also seems like my compass keeps on moving, iow the AB line/gridlines is constantly moving. Not sure what to try next. Manual not very helpfull.