You should have a rough estimate if the space could fit. But otherwise a reasonable approach, since a good enclosure is an other hard problem.
According to what I already built, I think that the connectivity and enclosure are crucial to get a reliable and long lasting setup. But they are often neglected, maybe because it doesn’t look that complicated compared to the rest of the electronics.
From my experience not the best idea. Hardware is one side, the software an other. To many options makes a nightmare of complexity very fast.
If I want the PCB to be useful to more than a few people, I need to give it some modularity. For example, a lot of people want to use Ethernet instead of USB (this is not my case, I believe USB works really fine and is more simple to implement). But the PCB is made compatible with both, one can choose not to mount the components he doesn’t want, and a single design can serve different purposes.
I still wonder about Ethernet : do you need a router inside the cab to redirect packets ? Or can each device get its own IP manually configured and then broadcast every packet on a simple layer 2 switch ? I’m asking because routing a layer 2 Ethernet switch is doable (see here, schematic here), but a router is quite harder and needs software configuration (I think I could to the former, but definitely not the latter). In fact, I never built an Ethernet autosteer so I can’t really picture how it works in details.
Problem with jlcpcb(as it is currently the only one that does currently very small batches at low prices) that the parts available is somewhat limited, and sometimes even changing.
@doppelgrau did you try other PCB manufacturers (or at least ask for quotations) ? For example, the assembly service of PCBWay seems to be more flexible than the one of JLCPCB. They can source your parts from the outside by themselves, or you can send them, or a mix of the two. They can also mount through-hole components and can solder on both sides. Their MOQ is 5 PCBs (I didn’t find the one of JLCPCB so I can’t compare, but I believe it’s a lot for one person alone).
I now have a small PnP-machine
It sure looks like a fun tool, but we can’t expect everyone to have one.
I guess there would be the need of an intermediate, that sells finishes pcbs
Maybe Aortner and his online shop could be this intermediate, at least for Europe. @Aortner, are you opened to enrich the offer of your shop with SMD PCBs ? If so, what would be the conditions ?
I think will have a similar goal. i am willing to collaborate if you want to.
That would be awesome to team up on this project. Maybe we can have a meeting to discuss in more details about our requirements. I’ll pm you.
i want to leave the 3 openag boards separate (autosteer,GPS and sectional). that way it plays nice with the openag software.
Personally, I prefer the opposite. With 3 separate boards, you need 3 different enclosures which takes place, you need an external USB hub or Ethernet switch/router, and you need more wires to connect everything. On the other hand, with all the electronics in a single package, the hub/switch is embedded on the PCB, and only one big rugged connector is used to interface with external stuff (motor, tablet, WAS, MMA/BNO…). Only SMA connectors should be added for the antenna(s). I don’t say i’ts easy or even possible to fit all the three components in a single rugged enclosure, but I believe it would be a better setup.
i don’t like anything that relies on wireless
I agree. Nothing works with wireless in automotive and ag vehicles, it’s probably for a good reason. On the other hand, François has made most of his setup with Wifi and it seems to work well. @Francois, can you confirm this ? Did you have specific issues related to wireless ? Do you think it’s a user-friendly enough for people to set up ?