Steering works but not PWM

Hi guys! Probably it’s being posted again here but I cannot find anything related. So I connected everything. Created AB line, engaged steering. Motor starts to turn. Everything works. Now when I go to settings, PWM to green, press the arrows, nothing happens.also MA MB doesn’t work because of the freewheel cytron. I have the jumper from nc to pmw2 on the board. Any ideas of why the motor doesn’t turn on pwm? Saw some ideas to connect nc to teensy pin.
So now the pmw2 led doesn’t turn on on the board but the steering inputs left/right when engaged on a line it works. I have v4.5 micro and freewheel mode on cytron.
Picture: NC to teensy pin vs pmw2

How is your cytron connected? I have never jumped those pin you indicated. I believe your issue is that you have not connected the cytron to those four holes under the cytron. With the free wheel mod the three pins are not sufficient. You need 4.

I saw people here having connected only the red wire from cytron NC to the red pmw2 on the board. So you tell me I need to connect all 4 wires to which number ? Sorry but getting confused :sweat_smile: number 1 or 2?

In both spots, dir, pwm1 and gnd are already connected. 3 holes on left are same as 3 holes on right, but on right theres 4th extra pin for freewheel.

Yes so the 3 pins dir gnd and pwm1 (left of picture) are connected directly into cytron via the pins. So I only have to put one red cable from NC on top of cytron to pwm2 on the right side ( n2 on this picture) . But it’s already like that and the pwm on aog doesn’t work when I press the arrows and also the pwm2 led on the board doesn’t light up. But the steering works when over an ab line.

You muat activate autosteer too. Icon at bottom right must be at least yellow (green if you have field open and ab line activated )
In other words. Turn on autosteer!