Teensy disconnecting?

Hey everyone, I want to thank you all for the help. Got me up and running.

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I can confirm that commenting out those two lines made all the difference. I am just running the IMU/F9P with the teensy (hydraulics are expensive, they are coming someday soon) in a breadboard, so no idea if there are other ramifications of commenting them out.

Adding autosteer to a F1145 Deere mower as a proof of concept vehicle. Exciting times ahead :slight_smile:

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it also works for me. but this is a problem only with arduino 2.xx and teensyduino 1.58. so there must be something wrong with a library or something else with this version. a problem with the ads1115 lite library?

Hey mate what fixed it

Well first i had to use the 1.8.x arduino IDE. Then i also used the 1.57 teensyduino. The biggest help was to follow the wiki step by step.

I also had problems with 1.58 but 1.57 worked just fine