I am working on a system with a v4.1 std board. If I try to connect to my computer with UDP, in Agio I can only connect to the gps over UDP. If I try to connect to the imu or steering I cannot connect. Has anyone else run into this issue?
The board communicates via UDP automatically, you don’t have to press anything
The fact that the IMU is not highlighted in green does not mean that the data is not receiving, if you want to have a green IMU icon inned have sof in Teensy Autosteer_gps_teensy_v4_1
check out the videos I posted in this topic below
Turn on the UDP monitor in AgIO and post results
I will do that and post results. Thanks
I did follow Brian’s video and set up my ip address. Before I set up the ip address of the computer I couldn’t connect to anything. After I set the ip address I could connect to the f9p.
You show a picture of PCB which seem to preassembled. And you have also put an bno085 on it. Remove bno085 as PCB probably already have the bno as smd. (Under the bno085)
The AiO do not have a smd BNO
Here are a couple shots of the UDP monitor. When I first start up I get this while connected to the gps receiver. I am getting some pgn 245’s back
After I disconnected and connected to steering on UDP I get this. I get NTRIP under PGN and I occasionally get a 200.
When I look at monitors I show nothing from the IMU
You can not really disconnect them separately, as they are not usb.
Normally just unplug ethernet cable and reconnect cable and all 3 will get green again.
You have two ip numbers who is the one with 172
I noted your usb port number changed from 6 to 4 who is that?
Do you have a sim card in the tablet?
Does your tablet need UDP to USB converter/dongle to connect pcb by UDP?
A 169 address is basically useless - follow the guides to set a static IP on your network card, something like
When I say disconnect, it’s bad terminology. When I click on the antenna icon it opens the port page. I am using port 6, which is a usb port with a usb to Ethernet dongle. It will only allow me to connect one item to port 6 at a time which makes sense.
The 172 ip address is from Wi-Fi on my tablet. I am connecting hot spot on my phone to Wi-Fi to get NTRIP from the Michigan CORS network. I believe that would also be the com 4 you see.
That’s good to know. I will try that IP address this evening. Thanks
With normal wifi to your homerouter that would be possible 192.168.1.??? is the standard ip address of many home routers. (mine also and I didn´t change so I get same picture in AgIO on my tablet)
But I remember having problems with my USB to ETH dongle giving very alternative IP when connected alone.
So try this: Disconnect your USB to ETH dongle and use your home router as connecting point. both for wifi from tablet and cable from Teensy/Aio board.
EDIT: After everything work via router. Next try would be: Connect eth cable from teensy to USB dongle and THEN connect Dongle to tablet.
It’s fine to have 192.168.1, your router will assign a DHCP address and then you tell the AIO board to follow.
If you’re not using a router (and in the tractor, you likely aren’t), you can pick 192.168.1 with a manual assignment to the tablet interface, but usually we go for 192.168.5 network as a standard/starting point.
Up to the user, but if they want to fix the actual problem, just set the network card at manually (Teddy pointed this out 2 days ago), scan and make sure they’re on the same subnet.
[quote=“andyinv, post:16, topic:15128”]
network card at
Just trying to get him connected at the office where he seem to work at the moment.
He @westMIguy has to pick the correct card, that he wants to set at 192.188.5 , and in his case it is the USB to eth card
Why do you have a com connected? COM6?
This is wrong for an AiO board.
These are outbound sentences I think. Make sure you allow your firewall for both local and external connection.
This was the problem when I first tried to setup an UTP connection, many hours of frustration!
Window will only ask once for it. If you don’t gave the right autorisations you will have to dig in the Window settings or reinstall AOG/AgIO
Thank you everyone for all the suggestions. I have made progress. I set the IP address to 192.168
.5.10. Now I have everything connected. I missed that IP address earlier on Ted’s post. The mistake I made was, I thought I just needed to copy the IP address displayed in agio as the ip address for the computer. I didn’t realize at the time agio was displaying a 169 ip address because it had no communication. Now I have Panda and roll data and 2 way UDP communication. I did find one other issue last night when I posted. I had my zed-f9p set up with 1.32 firmware and a single rover configuration file that I had found on GitHub. Last night I loaded 1.13 firmware into the f9p and used a configuration file from wildbuckwheat. After I did that the teensy started to blink orange. Before that it never lit up. (I was unaware of that led before that point)
The last hurdle I have to cross is I have GPS position, but I don’t get RTK with the aio board. I can get RTK if I just connect to the f9p when it’s off the aio board and I use a usb cord, so I know my NTRIP stream is good. Any ideas where to look to get my RTK fix?
Thank you all again, this has been very helpful.