Universal Fit Gear System, with Quick Tach Motor Holder

I have also run into this problem today on a Claas Arion. I agree it would be useful to have the CAD files as well. For me scaling up the 2 gears by approximately 12% would solve this.

If you tell me what gear circle diameters you need, I can modify @potatofarmer’s STLs to any custom size with FreeCAD. Or of course if he sees this he can do it too. Or give me the mm between the two gears and I can give it a try.

I am currently swamped with the AOG PoE Ace build, new job and the new kid. Have fun.

Never thought these gears would get this popular. The magic power of zip ties.


Is it born already? If so hope all is well and congrats.

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Thanks for the offer @torriem but I have had a go in Fusion 360 this morning. I think I have managed so I will let you know how I get on… I might take you up on your offer yet!

It looks like the standard design is ~120mm from the centre of the big gear to the centre of the small gear. I needed a distance of more like 135mm so I have scaled up by 12.5%. I then had to remodel the socket for the motor shaft. Files are attached in case they help anyone else @ben-brad @davewd45 but use at your own risk, I have not printed yet!
AOG universal fit gear system scaled 1.125.zip (4.8 MB)

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Thank you @PotatoFarmer for the original design, @torriem for the offer to update the files, and @HNorthern for the new files. I’ll take a look at the larger gear only to see if it fits my needs.

There are some steering cogs specific to the Claas steering wheels, moulded perfectly to it.

Will find a link, they are also a big diameter than Potato Farmers and I think not as thick.

@HNorthern here you go:


Yes he is out and about! First couple days and already complains about the weather, a natural!


This gear works nice :grinning:

Started with a clutch and gears from this link. But the smal plastic gear did not hold up.

The solution a combination of the clutch and this gear


Do you have the files for this steering gear and the spoke holders?? Was planning something simulair but have not the right tools.

So please share.

Spoke holders are from the first link in the post. The first plan was to use ziptie like others do. But after i had used the spoke holders from the first solution i went back to plan with them. I just used a 5mm drill in 6 of the ziptie slots (the distance between them fitted perfect for the spoke holder i had laying).

So you did not edit the gear itself?

No, just with a drill after it was printed

i see you use the complete gear not the 3 segments. Am i right?

Yes, the complete gear

We have created a segmented gear modeled from PotatoFarmers, but with the ability to easily increase the diameter while maintaining the same teeth, so it’s compatible with the other gears. Have also added additional ziptie holes for 3 spoke steering wheels where the spokes are not consistently placed. @PotatoFarmer do you have the pressure angle and module specs for the teeth on your gears? I want to ensure it is compatible with other gears then we can post the files to the group. Our gear works with your motor gear but I feel it could mesh just a bit better.

Unfortunately have no technical information on these gears, drew them to learn how to use Fusion 360 in 3D back in 2021.

Just kept drawing with a general Idea until it fit on the fit on the machines I operate, and shared the .stl’s as is.

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From what I can see, the gears are using the standard pressure angle of 20 degrees, and the helix angle is also 20 degrees. When I generate gears with that spec and overlay them on the imported STL, the profile matches perfectly.

And the module of the gears is 3.25. To scale up the gears you’d change the module, since module is the ratio of the number of teeth to the diameter.

Do you have picture for your system?