Would bei very nice to implement the shortcuts over UDP PGNs as well.
=> + External button-panel for small screens, or important Buttons on armrest,…
=> + Switching things even Düring an other window ist opend (e.g.Explorer) when HID driver would not be working correctly.
What about cheap Bluetooth remote option like this?
Nice, is it 3d Print?
Yea. it’s for 3D print.
maybe you can design just a cradle for the Bluetooth stick. I like the idea of wireless in this particular case…
Can it be shared?
Not easy without measures
Salut tu as la liste des autres raccourcis ? Merci
Je viens de coller le code entier ici pour faciliter les choses.
//keystrokes for easy and quick startup
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
//reset Sim
if (keyData == Keys.L)
return true;
//speed up
if (keyData == Keys.Up)
if (sim.stepDistance < 0.04 && sim.stepDistance > -0.04) sim.stepDistance += 0.002;
else sim.stepDistance += 0.02;
if (sim.stepDistance > 1.9) sim.stepDistance = 1.9;
hsbarStepDistance.Value = (int)(sim.stepDistance * 5 * fixUpdateHz);
return true;
//slow down
if (keyData == Keys.Down)
if (sim.stepDistance < 0.04 && sim.stepDistance > -0.04) sim.stepDistance -= 0.002;
else sim.stepDistance -= 0.02;
if (sim.stepDistance < -0.35) sim.stepDistance = -0.35;
hsbarStepDistance.Value = (int)(sim.stepDistance * 5 * fixUpdateHz);
return true;
if (keyData == Keys.OemPeriod)
sim.stepDistance = 0;
hsbarStepDistance.Value = 0;
return true;
//turn right
if (keyData == Keys.Right)
sim.steerAngle += 2;
if (sim.steerAngle > 40) sim.steerAngle = 40;
if (sim.steerAngle < -40) sim.steerAngle = -40;
sim.steerAngleScrollBar = sim.steerAngle;
btnResetSteerAngle.Text = sim.steerAngle.ToString();
hsbarSteerAngle.Value = (int)(10 * sim.steerAngle) + 400;
return true;
//turn left
if (keyData == Keys.Left)
sim.steerAngle -= 2;
if (sim.steerAngle > 40) sim.steerAngle = 40;
if (sim.steerAngle < -40) sim.steerAngle = -40;
sim.steerAngleScrollBar = sim.steerAngle;
btnResetSteerAngle.Text = sim.steerAngle.ToString();
hsbarSteerAngle.Value = (int)(10 * sim.steerAngle) + 400;
return true;
//zero steering
if (keyData == Keys.OemQuestion)
sim.steerAngle = 0.0;
sim.steerAngleScrollBar = sim.steerAngle;
btnResetSteerAngle.Text = sim.steerAngle.ToString();
hsbarSteerAngle.Value = (int)(10 * sim.steerAngle) + 400;
return true;
if (keyData == (Keys.F))
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
if (keyData == (Keys.A)) //autosteer button on off
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
//if (keyData == (Keys.S)) //open the steer chart
// toolstripAutoSteerConfig.PerformClick();
// return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
//if (keyData == (Keys.S)) //open the steer chart
// btnSnapToPivot.PerformClick();
// return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
if (keyData == (Keys.C)) //open the steer chart
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
if (keyData == (Keys.V)) //open the vehicle Settings
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
if (keyData == (Keys.NumPad1)) //auto section on off
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
if (keyData == (Keys.N)) //auto section on off
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
if (keyData == (Keys.NumPad0)) //auto section on off
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
if (keyData == (Keys.M)) //auto section on off
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
if (keyData == (Keys.G)) // Flag click
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
if (keyData == (Keys.P)) // Snap/Prioritu click
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
if (keyData == (Keys.F11)) // Full Screen click
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
// Call the base class
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
en fait je voulais savoir si tu avais les autres ceux du mode simulateur
Il y a d’autres touches de raccourci dans le code, mais elles sont destinées à une utilisation en simulateur.
J’ai remarqué cela après avoir posté le message, j’ai donc modifié le message pour qu’il inclue également les commandes du simulateur.
Can we stay with English please. Or at least copy Google translate underneath. Thanks!
Does someone know how to publish the modified code?
So i mean i can change the UDPComm… file but how to go on than?
Click build AgOpengps in build section if it is successful click publish then install and copy .exe to existing aog install. Not ideal but it works.
Switch from debug to release.
Hello, maybe also usefull:
// AB-Line aktivate
if (keyData == (Keys.K))
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
// AB-Curve aktivate
if (keyData == (Keys.I))
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
Does someone know how to implement:
U-turn Left / Uturn Right button
Drive in
// drive in if (keyData == (Keys.E)) { btnInField_Click.PerformClick(); return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke }
btnInField_Click.PerformanceClick() does not work:
Failure: btnInField_Click is not declarted
For the U-turn you may try:
// U-Turn Right
if (keyData == (Keys.P))
if (isUTurnOn)
if (yt.isYouTurnTriggered){
yt.isYouTurnTriggered = true;
yt.BuildManualYouTurn(true, true);
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
// U-Turn Left
if (keyData == (Keys.O))
if (isUTurnOn)
if (yt.isYouTurnTriggered){
yt.isYouTurnTriggered = true;
yt.BuildManualYouTurn(false, true);
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke
It works… But it is the manual turn.
What i want to use is the auto uturn Switch left right turn. You know What i mean?
The auto should work with this:
if (keyData == (Keys.U))
return true; // indicate that you handled this keystroke