To order a micro v4.1 pcb with Bom and Pickandplace files, What is the difference between the files :
The second one is for the 20+4 pin teensy header if the 24 are not available.
But 20+4 is not really recommend, if the 24 are not available I would solder some myself before taking the 20+4
There should be a readme with de files, some useful information there.
Well, 1 component is missing, the 2sc2884, I’m going to see an equivalent
If you search for 2sc28 here, you get 4 hits
Just change to JLCPCB part no: C24208
It’s a very similar spec BJT with the same footprint.
OK, I’ll finalize later
What do you think of C9634? Many more in stock.
hi there, im looking for latest AIO 4.# micro version board with all latest changes and updates. Is this realy the latest one?
AgOpenGPS_Boards/TeensyModules/V4.1/PCB Build at master · farmerbriantee/AgOpenGPS_Boards · GitHub
Is it possible to activate autosteering with the tractor’s OEM buttons via canbus?
Do I solder the mcp2562?
Yes and you won’t get far without CANBUS transceiver:
I’m going to order the pcb now.
By what reference can I replace the led C72041 and C72043 ?
By looking for an equivalence on the digikey site I am thinking of replacing C72041 with C125103 and C72043 with C2986059.
I read that the zener C8056 can be replaced by C707189 and the microUSB C40941 by C4560047.
I hope it will be ok