V4 all-in-one PCB

I had the teensy on the board, removed the ampseal → board not powered, then plugged into the teensy usb and was able to read the serial output using the serial monitor of arduino ide. There you can then seebit registering the BNO and GPS (connect antenna). I also first made the mistake of not saving the config in u-center so didn’t receive GPS. Saving it under actions->save config did it for me. I used the f9p 1.32 frimware and singleantenna config from current master of AgopenGPS_Boards repository.

For Teensy I had to comment out line 18 and 19 (Wire1.end(); Wire1.begin():wink: of TeensyModules/V4.1/Firmware/Autosteer_gps_teensy_v4_1/zADS1115.cpp, otherwise it was constantly rebooting… that was a proposed fix here https://discourse.agopengps.com/t/teensy-disconnecting/, but it seems it only is an issue with the newer teensyduino version…