V4 all-in-one PCB

How should I answer this question from JLCPCB regarding the new AIO board V4.2 with the modification to the pin 18 and pin 22 holes.

I just checked, there are vias instead pads.

You can choose there option A or use this new Gerber

Yes, correct

It’s near from the Teensy

Here, Board Github, click on “Code” then “download zip”



I was meaning that with the files provided the switch isn’t placed on the PCB while the others are.

Which gerber file did you use?
I uploaded AiO 4.2 STD yesterday and there was no problem in production.

Pin 18 isn’t relevant but Pin 22 would be if there is something wrong.

I used 4.2. Would I be ok if I told them to use option A: open to be covered in tin? I hope I chose the correct option

That should be ok.

There was still a change to the Gerber file for the standard board. The change isn’t on github yet I think (last commit is two weeks ago). Are other errors currently suspected or known?

Why is modification of micro V4.1 PCB blocked? Can’t I make something good for myself?

Just select all components and in the right menu set “locked” to no

You can lock some components so you will not move it by mistake.



i came up with the idea to switch the work switch via seven-pin signal interface socket.
that’s gonna have to go with an optocoupler, right?

Unfortunately, I’m not sure how to connect this to the new micro board. To pin 9 and 23 of the work switch?
Can someone help me? Thank you!

Can you draw a diagram how you want this to work. I dont think i understand

This connector?

You should able to just connect the pin with the work input on the board.

The work pins on the AIO board’s already have optocouplers to protect them.

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that’s my plan:

Yes signal comes from ISO 11786! Additionally with a switch to end the automatic mode controlled from the rear three-point position.

So i can connect ISO Pin 4 with Pin 9 from AIO board without optocoupler board? I know that from ISO Pin 4 comes 0.5 - 10 V.

Just connect pin 4 to pin 9 without the optocoupler board.

The AIO already has an optocoupler.

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Do i still need the BNO085 if I run dual GPS?

I think u can still use it but no need for it

Check the wiki out, the female + extension is listed here:

Just got my order from JLCPCB. There were 4 parts short but I ordered them anyway as I can solder them on here. U14, U1, U901, and U23. I found all on the PCB except U901. The BOM states it’s a MP1584EN which is a SOIC 8 with a center thermal pad. I can’t find this footprint on the standard ampseal board.