V5.1.4 Release

Configuration: Nano + Pcb V2
D8 (remote) disconnection does not work after installing 5.1
I exclude a hardware problem because it works with 4.1.3 and Beta 5.4
Did I miss something in the settings?

using XLoader - in the XLoader directory, you can load the nano with the firmware without using Arduino IDE.

That’s an excellent addition.

However, it was the hardware fault, a break in the sensor circuit, it coincided with the installation of a new program and that confused me!

Sneaky problem!


Thank you so much

What does pressing the tractor in the center of the screen do? Reset heading?

Yes, and when you drive forward, that is forward.

Hi. I have a question to integer ? Is there somewhere the possibility to set the start from distance ?

You’re going to have to be more specific

It resets direction

This uses A0 PIN. Wouldn’t it be better to use the ADS 1115 Aux 2 input so it has more protection? I tried changing it to that but the ads 1115 library is a lite version now so what I normally put (ads.readADC_SingleEnded(3)) isn’t compiling. :s Thoughts?

There was a possibility to set in stanley settings the start distance for integer. I thought it was for stanley and PP too. Now in newer versions it is no more there.

Yes, the derivative (speed at which you are approaching the line ) works pretty well, so the best setting is no setting, then it is always right.

@PeterSK is it not working without the setting?

Ugh, this is a current limitation of the latest ino. High speed PID loop, no delay, etc. BUT we can only read a single reading from the ADS at this time. It only has 1 register for results and since we trigger a reading, the next loop the value is read. It takes 8 msec to do a reading and the loop comes backs to that point every 20 msec. It goes away and does all the communication with pgn in out etc the rest of time.

We need to figure out some sort of flag or mux method to be able to read more inputs as going back to waiting for the ADS (that 8 msec) or a bunch of delays makes it run as crappy as v4.3 ino’s did.

Only setted the tractor without integer and waiting for weather to start seeding corn and trying to get the settings under skin to be possible to fine tune it.The steering works very well and with PP what i could not set correctly in older versions. I think you and the team have made the AOG really nice and good navigation system. Big thanks for that.

I keep getting this error msg when trying to edit a tractor setup. I deleted a vehicle klm file but still getting the msg. Any ideas?

error msg

You are setting it too small. Which do you have set to 39?

try doing one of these:

And if it still does it, download the 5.1.1 again, reset.