V5.1.4 Release

Reset all took care of it. The 39 was from a 5003 or 5004 setup, I really need 32 on the track and 35 on the radius, but I’m going to see how it will work with the min settings. My “tractor” is a large lawnmower - 4 wheel steer… The numbers are inches.

Thank you much!


The minimum for both radius and track is 100 cm. That is 39.4ish inches. Your numbers in inches must be greater than that.

Mr. Kentstuff, the vehicle I have is 100cm. track width and 150 cm. It is a wheelbase vehicle, and it has a 30 degree rotation angle, and it is autonomous, but when I set it this way and create a recorded path, it turns very wide angle in turns and the recorded path turns out to be very rough, what do you suggest I do? Thanks.

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Could we use software/timer interrupt? I often use a few millis timers to create a “multitasking” system but that requires frequent “ready” checks all over the code but IIRC most Arduinos have a timer interrupt.

Try it with a longer wheel base. Sometimes you can trick it to turn sharper. If this helps it is an angular velocity problem. If not, it may be driving through the points.

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I changed it as you said yes, there was some improvement, but my actual GPS-axle distance value is 123 cm. This again causes distortion, if I adjust the distance to 10cm, it gets better.

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Have you tried running it on Stanley?

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@KentStuff @BrianTee_Admin, The problem that caused me to have to reset is if it’s changed from metric to in. I just changed to look at metric mins and had to reset to edit vehical again.

The track is a min of 39" (that is what my machine is - misspoke earlier) but the radius is 100 - in both metric and imp. A bug maybe?

Those input boxes will only take a minimum value of 100. If in inches and it loads as 39 and then save on the way out it crashes, then might be a bug.

Edit. If set to 100 then display in inches, it will round down to 39. Which is not 100 cm. Glitch, but not necessarily a bug.

Bug. In line 195 and 196 of FormConfig.cs the nudVehicleTrack is fixed for metric. Not so with the radius. If you enter 100 while in metric, convert to inches, then back to metric, crash.

Yes I tried, there may be stupid questions but I will be glad if you answer, is the tractor in the photo frontal view? rear view? If it is a rear view, the tooth marks (V) are not reversed? Also, PGN stands for program group number? Thank you.


I will take a peak - there are so many of those boxes and i certainly could have missed one that even escaped thru 5 betas!!!

I don’t think i can answer any of these questions. Maybe someone else.

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Back - we will fix the picture. Oh the little things…

PGN is taken from the CanBus terminology. You are correct. So we use it for groups of data bytes - like PGN 254 is the autosteer pgn that has steer status, required steer angle, sections, distance etc as a group. MAchine is another. Lots of groups of settings etc

The excel sheet in the support outlines what they are and what is in them

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The easy fix is to tell folks not to do that :grin:

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Hello, Great New Version, changed today from 4.3.10 to 5.1 with Dual Antenna works pretty good. Tomorrow will be the Show down with corn planting. Does someone know how to Set up integral for PP or Stanley? Is it for drift on a hill? rps20210421_231944
What does this setting mean?

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@BrianTee_Admin, Don’t work at the imperial glitch right now. Save your time for more important things, like maybe fieldwork?? I just set my stuff up in metric so I’m good! It’s kind of a pain when not being use to it but it’s just 1 time.

Can I plug the CMPS14 right into the PCBv2 or do I need to come straight from the nano this time as per the diagram?

Okay that makes a little more sense. I had noticed the different ads library and wondered the reason. I was currently using three inputs on the ads. One for the wheel angle sensor, one for the roll and one for my pressure transducer. I can move the pressure transducer to A0 for now but I’m not sure what to do about my DOG2 Roll or is that obsolete now? :s.

Oh, that’s an important one to fix. Adjusting the limits were missed on those 2 and fixed now. I also set the mins lower and the maxes higher on many of them.

Grab the latest 5.1.2 and hopefully it works better. small vehicles are a real challenge with “big” settings for tractors etc.

Hi everybody,

There is still no option to change the roll axis of the IMU.
Does this mean it is very important to mount it mechanically in the correct direction?

I have BNO085 and have adjusted the INO so roll is taken from pitch.
Roll is now correctly displayed in AOG but I’m not sure if this has an bad influnce on the heading.
I think there is a reason why it is not possible to change the axis in AOG?