Hello, I have built a working GPS system now with the AIO 4.5 std board. I’m using only 1 power wire but with seperate fuses for the board, cytron and the tablet power. I don’t have a relay in between as recommended in the schematic because I forgot to order that at the time. I am by far no electical engineer so I don’t really see the problem. Could anyone explain to me the benefits of having a relay or the problem of not having one? Thank you
Could you please post a screenshot of the schematic, with the relay that you didn’t include marked? There are several that can be used, and I’m not sure which one you’re describing.
I’m not using both the relays. But my question is about the one i circled. I think I do not need the one for the motor because I have the freewheel mod.
It really depends on how heavy the switch you are using is. I personally don’t use a relay there but if you are running a smaller switch then you will need the relay.
No you don’t need that relay, however you should have one just not how that diagram shows.
You need a relay that is switched by the tractor ignition, after that place your main on/off switch, after that a switch for the Cytron power.
The PCB needs a 3amp fuse max, not the 10 amp shown. If not using pin 7 to drive a lock solenoid, then a 1 amp fuse is better.
The Cytron input also needs fusing appropriately.