You turn

What do you have your fix to fix set to? Which of the 4 calc methods have you choosen? Lastly, what have you set both of your look ahead at? Thanks

Hi Ray
I haven’t tried changing fix to fix so set at 1.0m do you think it could be less. Using pure pursuit at 2m look ahead tried more but found the new uturn look factor helped at 1.4. I use electric actuator from a NH combine for steering so a bit different from wheel,I get about 40deg max steer angle.

I figured that the more fixes on the right turns would help so I’m set to the most fix to fix allowed. When I first started with AO G it was with Brian’s tree planting and he said the most fixes and slower speed would result in the greatest accuracy.

Fix to fix makes a difference in the simulator. I also found look ahead basic set at 2, and uturn look set 0.4. Giving a tighter look in the turns. Watch the lower left steer setting and see what steer angle it is setting. How does this compare with the maximum of the tractor?

Thanks I will try later on the mower. I may have to explain to the neighbours why my grass needs cutting again especially as its very dry and hot here in the UK, fortunately its electric so noise not a problem !

I’ve got 3 diff patches I can go to. The neighbors at each place know I’m a little off!


How about be able to set seconds before we hit the headland to send bit that we can pickup in the machine.ino that we can use to slow for the uturn and then another to speed back up after turn made, again based on time. (this way we can mow or slow at whatever speed is right for us and not everyone tied to same speed.) Like the 3 pt. lift section. If this is clear as mud tell me and I’ll try again!

edit: Since I don’t use a 3 pt. hitch, I can use that. It’s got everything I need.

edit 2; You asked about turn angle. My max angle is set at 45 and the uturn pegs that. If you go 46 then squealing starts and it never gets there.

Uturn used to send a byte when it started and stopped. This may work, I will look into it.

So are you setting your max steer angle to 45 in the settings and then basing your turn on the steer angle and it pegs that?

At this point I just had it on auto. I had some wiring issues to solve. Set on auto, my max angle set to 45, on the u turn (for a time) that max angle was achieved but not exceeded.

Is it still not able to make the turn? In other words, does it appear that the circle is drawn too tight to drive? Or is the drive ok and it just doesn’t start to steer soon enough?

I think I was close once yesterday, then I’d lose connection (I’ve got a bad USB port). By the time I got rigged to get a stable signal I forgot what I’d done to get close. I believe I can make it work at least on a left hand turn. I’ve got company coming today, so it will be later tomorrow before I get back to it.

Here is something for you to ponder. I am getting real close when I’m heading East doing a left turn. Heading west It’s a real struggle. It’ll start the turn and get headed back east, then it’ll turn North and do a pause or two. It will finally get to where it should be but we’ve covered quite a bit of territory to get there.

agree I think it will work just a matter of time I have got very close then lost it like you. If not will have to go back to “skips”

Heading west, are you turning right or left?

The u-turn legs are now responsive to the lengths in the u-turn settings.
Steps of dots are based on tool width and wheel base.

When tool width is changed fences are recalculated. ABLine is reconfigured after tool adjustments.

In general what is the purpose of the leg length?

What is the advantage to long vs short legs?

The legs control the steering tighter while still in the U-turn. The steer settings are a bit different in u-turn and AB. If you are coming in too sharp and over run the line add longer legs. If it acts like it quits on the u-turn too soon, add longer legs.

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In simulator it seems to work very well, would it be possible to set the parameters manually in your extra uturn screen rather than changing the tractor turn diameter. I will give it a try on the mower tomorrow. Thanks for all your work on this it will solve several old problems.

Heading west I am turning right.

All three tractor settings on that screen? Wheel base, radius, and track?

Or the three radi under auto?

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I was wrong on the turn direction I was only doing left turns. Thought about it all last night!