AGopenGPS Hardware PCB Anleitung Bestellung SW

The meaning of GPS/RTK Led color is:

Red for single antenna,
Green for dual antenna setup

If you’re using a single setup red is ok.

Hello all,

now my system seems working.
Short summary what i did.
I ordered the PCBs at JLC due to the guideline: (small hint, directly order the Hammond enclosure cover also at JLC (topic comes below))

I used the standard one. Cost about 280€ for 5 pices (including Tax).
I only had 5 components what i had to order by myselfe. (They were not available directly at JLC).
It was a 5V LDO, the BNO0085 and a 5V DC/DC Module as well as the F9P and the Teensy 4.1.
As hint: You need to order the Teensy 4.1 with Ethernet (the small marked chip needs to be assembled, there are versions with and without ethernet available)
(Consider also directly how to connect the 2x3Pin with 2mm pitch, i used a pin header soldered togeter, but this is not good solution, there are available conenctors and pins but i was not able to find them first)

Regarding BNO0085 i attached it in that way that the x axisx arrow is showing in driving direction. I glued it on the PCB in the right orientation, due to the fact i placed the PCB vertical. I do not know if it will work if attached in other directions.

The Ampseal connector i baught at aliexpress (23Pin version with already attached crimped wires) (10€). (Number 770680-1)

As enclosure i used the everywhere mentioned Hammond casing (1455Q2201).
For this i ordered also at JLC the Faceplate with the connector cutouts. See Link:

As wheel angle sensor (WAS) i used the RQH100030 (Landrover) from eBay. (~27€)
This can be directly connected to the Ampselconnector.

See Link for Ampseal pinning. (Hint: for WAS Sensor Pin 1= Supply, Pin 2 = Signal, Pin 4 = GND)

For my 312Vario i used self 3d Printed parts form this Link. Fits quite well. Only the screews need to be ordered due to the fact they are mostly not in standard portfolio.
Fit quite good. (Hint: you have to remove the Steering Wheel to assemble the gear)

Flashing was done with the available Tools. This i can describe in another message.

Hopefully i noted the most things.
Generally if I would by everything

Some pictures:

Again another question to the BNO085. Sometimes i read that the orientation does not matters, then I read again the Orientation is important.
CAn somebody give me a hint what is right.
Actually i placed the BNO in that orientation that the x axis (print on the BNO0085 PCB) is showing in forward direction and that the BNO0085 PCB is horizontal.
For that i had to remove it from the PCB due to the fact i mounted it vertical. But the question is if this is needed or not.

2nd sometimes i read that other boards uses a compass, does the v4.5 do not need a compass?


X → in forward direction, no roll inversion
X → in reverse direction, roll must be inverted

BNO PCB should be horizontal mounted in your tractor cabin.

2nd) you mean CMPS14 IMU module? This module choice will not longer supported in v4.5. It’s a former IMU module like the BNO00085.

Anoter Question, now I recognised that my teensy has a flashing light ( i cannot differ if it is red or orange), but is permanently flashing. Is this right?

Anf again regarding the roll and direction of BNO, it should be a postive angle shown on bottom right of the screen when hang to the right, or?

That means that the Teensy is receiving a valid GGA sentence from the receiver. If it isn’t flashing, you have a problem.

That’s right.