AIO v4.5 update released

Does the all in one teensy board support this Aliexpress BNO08x ? Thanks in advance

did you connect vcc and 3 3v togeather?

Which one? The one the IMU slot or the one next to the board? Can’t see much of the one in the slot to tell what it is.

no i just connected 3v3 do i need to connect these 2 pins together?

works well with sparkfun …the one in slot is bno08x from alliexpress


imu works now with 3v3 and vcc joined In my jd it fits behind pannel below rear window with imu on 90* headers

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Hello, I recently built an AIO V4.5 board and I would like to use a PWM motor like this one 51.55€ |Chihai High Torque Precision Planetary Gear Motor, ChP 36GP 555 Caixa de engrenagens Metal, redutor planetário, 36mm, 555| | - AliExpress, which I bought some time ago. I used it with a pilot I built using an Arduino, an ads1115 and a BNO085, I just changed the PWM frequency in the code, setting it to 2, and it worked fine.
However, today I tried to do the same with tensy, changing the PWM frequency to 2, and nothing worked, not even the Aglo is no longer connected to the PCB. The idea was to use pins that control the Cytron to control the motor’s PWM and DIR.
I would like your help so I can continue using this engine (and not have to buy another one and wait another month for delivery), if anyone has a solution for me I would be very grateful.

You need to solder the six pins on the teensy. They are the ethernet communication pins.


Yes, I soldered them, my friend is making an autopilot for this too, we had the PCBs made together. It is using a normal 12V DC motor and a Cytron to control it, and leaving it at the default frequency in the tensy code is working very well.
The problem is that when you change the PWM frequency option, and put tensy on the PCB, some red lights light up, I found this strange.
As a possible solution, if I use the Keya engines settings, it might work, or am I just talking nonsense.

Please post another picture of the board with the teensy in.

I notice that youve added the blue ads1115 module to the board, is this because jlcpcb didn’t fit the little ads1115 chip? If they have fitted it you dont need the one youve fitted, someone added one like yours to ghe board and there was also 1 installed by jlcpcb and recreated all sorts of problems

Here is the photo, disregard the cytron because my friend who is currently using this board, and uses a normal DC motor.

Yes, I realized that I wouldn’t need the ads 1115 right after taking the previous photo, it comes in the frame itself and that part is working fine.

First test, I guess we’re live :grinning:


I have just listed on EBAY some spare Standard V4.5 boards I had assembled if anyone wants to buy one without having to go through the possess of getting them assembled

Jak ustawić zworki dla um982.

I installed a micro 4.5 pcb on the tractor. I created an AB line. I press the steering wheel at the bottom right but I have no 12 V on terminal 7 (6/2 unlock). what did I forget?

Are you missing an mosfet on board? The one with heat sink?

Do you have a cytron board to run the valve? I don’t see it on the main 4.5 pcb?

what do you think ?