All in One PCB

Did you boot with your Ethernet Dongle, or just plugged in after powering up windows?

Sometimes its necessary to reboot your laptop after plugging in or change the ip-adress.

I would love to know what caused mine to go up in smoke. And if i can prevent the same thing happening again and to help anyone else would be even better.

Just curious what sort of fuse protection you have on the system.
An easy way to prevent the same failure in the future may be a smaller fuse?

I did have a fuse on the main power lead. There was smoke coming out of the pcb before it blew

What was the fuse rating?
Just curious.

Was 10amps but since learnt that was way to high😡. Could be a 3 or 5amp.

We use 12V motor and 7,5A on some tractors didn’t blow under operation…
But our motor can take 6-7A peak, so some actually needed 10A.

For standard board:
Did you test the 12->5V regulators?
There are 3 of them. 1 goes to Teensy 1 goes to F9P (these are the black cubes) and there’s a 3rd one which is for WAS 5V

All these gets powered by a diode which is the very first entry point.

For the 12V motor I had to bypass this and simply gave 12V to the cytron as that first diode can only take 3A-s, and thus we didn’t want to risk it.

Using 24V though shouldn’t be powering the Cytron through that diode though…
On the standard board there are only 2 regulators. Micro has a third

I have been using a 5 amp, but maybe thinking I should put a 3A into there until I know all is working…

Wont the fuse only protect the pcb from something going in. In my case the problem was inside and by the time the fuse blew it was too late, weather a smaller fuse mightve helped me ive no idea :thinking::weary:

care to share a picture of your BBQ edition PCB?
(it won’t help with that board but maybe the next board of yours, or someone else board?)

Making me relive the moment my whole world ended and lost the will to live

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I know that had to hurt after all the struggle. Do you have spare boards?

The Teensy is probably unfixable. The programming chip dies, so unless you have ability to replace that tiny sucker you’ll just have get another one. It sounds like it is related to the Mosfet with two people seeing the same issue when pressing drive. I don’t understand why it didn’t fail in initial testing though.

My Teensy failure was a regulator in backwards on a Panda board - smoke. I had a small solder bridge on a all-in-one board which revealed itself by getting hot. Everything survived.

Yeah it did hurt especially as i had it going so well the previous day, had it doing headland turns it needed a bit of fine tuning but was happy as a start.
Yeah ive got a spare board (was hoping not to use it and keep it as a spare and now i havnt got a spare😂) i need a few components to finish it off properly but the bulk is done. Ive ordered a new teensy aswell
Onwards and upwards :crossed_fingers::+1:

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I had 2 boards done by jlcpcb and both of them are the same in that both the components are touching. I been back through pictures of others aio pcb’s and alot do seem to be either touching or very close indeed. Shall i add a bit of heatshrink between the 2 to keep them apart

The heatsink is there for a reason. You can get little insulating pads that go in between. Thermal grease is used to get the heat transfer.

Ok glad you have a spare. I had 5 built with intentions of building multiple systems but was going to offer you one to get you back going. I originally got 10 of the first pcbs and multiples of all of the components to build them but decided to build the Aio board. Not sure if anyone on here needed those old style boards or if it’s even economically feasible to ship them anywhere. That’s why I said you could use diodes from the original build bc I have lots of those among every other part and piece lol. I’m sure everyone is following the developments with this board and yours didn’t die in vain. It’s all a learning experience. I ordered some of the isolator shims for the heat sink so hopefully I can avoid the “magic smoke” :dash:

Thankyou very much thats a very kind offer.
I order 5 aio pcbs with 2 assembled but wishing i had all 5 done now!

You can also desolder heatsink take out the pin that connect it to the board and attach it again. Just make sure it does not touch the GND