All in One PCB

Next to the ADS1115 there’s a header I’d start my investigation there.

I’d check if I can measure the right voltage (5V) there:

Also ADS1115 is connected via I2C and requires a 3.3v to 5V level shifter (circled at the bottom)
There’s an SMD and a THT option as well. Please check if you have those (it’s under your cytron)

Thanks for answer. In header next to ADS1115 there is 5V. I have both smd shifters under cytron.

Do you have a wheel angle sensor connected?

No, I don’t have WAS connected but I can see some photos without WAS and led is red there. As an example:

Yes all three leds should like up, have you tried wiggling/moving the led that isnt working?

I’ve had several not lit up, but slightly moving the Led has bought it to life.

Don’t forget the jumpers to select the Cytron output, but this doesnt stop the Led lighting up.

I have tried to light up the led with external power supply and it lights up. Suddenly it has started to work. It lights up first now when power whole PCB. You were right. It looks like current from power supply has welded something.
But AgIO still doesn’t see the Steer. GPS and IMU are active.
I don’t have WAS. Is it needed for AgIO to see the Steer?

Have you changed the ip address on your tablet to match?

And turned UDP on AgIO?

Yes, AgIO see IMU and GPS.

int diod;
if (!useDual)
diod = atof(fixQuality);
if (diod==4)
{digitalWrite(GPSRED_LED, LOW); //Turn red GPS LED ON, we have GGA and must have a IMU
digitalWrite(GPSGREEN_LED, HIGH); //Make sure the Green LED is OFF
if (diod==1)
{digitalWrite(GPSRED_LED, HIGH); //Turn red GPS LED ON, we have GGA and must have a IMU
digitalWrite(GPSGREEN_LED, LOW); //Make sure the Green LED is OFF
if (diod==0)
digitalWrite(GPSRED_LED, LOW); //Turn red GPS LED ON, we have GGA and must have a IMU
digitalWrite(GPSGREEN_LED, LOW); //Make sure the Green LED is OFF
} }

I have a 24v motor and I misunderstood how to connect the 12v to 24v converter to the pcb 4.1 Standart.

Should I connect the 24v output or this to the AIO standart PCB?

If its latest v4 pcb you can connect your 24v in to pin 18 on the ampseal then on the pcb you’ll need a jumper wire to the 24v pads.
The 12v on the converter connect to your 12v battery/power supply.
You might find more info on the v4 pcb thread


Is there something wrong or missing from the V4.1std board? In github boards section says “Delete Gerber_PCB_Autosteer Dual GPS V4.1 RELEASE (LOCKED).zip
Just asking as I would prefer the standard over micro.

I ordered a few days ago. They arrived yesterday. I took the slightly newer version. By default the ByNay (or UM982) port is wrong. RX and TX are swapped. You can find the corrected BOM here:

4.1 STD, had cytron motor power shorted to 12v in, and on bynav slot reversed rx, tx pins. So that version is not available. Search for newest version.

Thank you for the info.
I like to use ardusimple receiver. Is it enough to cut the trace in case I want to use 24V motor?

Where can I find the latest version?

4.2 version hire, cytron power is fixed in this version, bynav slot is not. But for ardusimple receivers it doesnt effect you.

Hi baraki… I have emailed you several times last months. I Would like to order a valve for a fendt 209 f vario. You promised me to find out wich one we need. Would you please look at this again ? And answer my mail please ?
Thanks! Guido. just buy from his webshop

That was exactly the place I originally looked for. All I can find is V4.1 there is nothing about V4.2.

Its little bit confusing as devs left name of directory v4.1. But gerber inside is v4.2.