All in One PCB

I only have micro ampseal with micro f9p.

i have 2 times standard f9p witch i use already one in curent set up

For people wanting to order these PCB you should keep in mind that these boards are still in testing and there could be some glitch for some functionalities.
As more people are using it there probably will be some updates

If your are not in a hurry or you don’t want to be an “early tester” :wink: it’s probably better to wait a little
Just my opinion


I have ordered 5 standard/ampseal pcb’s. Am only using two of them now. Anyone interested in a PCB can pm me for details. Shipping from the Netherlands, available now.

Well said Pat. Thank you

We have found a few small issues with the boards so far. I think all of them will be a fairly simple fix.
So far:
Traces are a little light for some steering motors… Updating now
The standard board doesn’t have 3.3v from Teensy to ads1115… Fixed
The traces from pwm2 to the cytron have a bug… Updating now.

There are modifications tha can be made to correct these problems if you have already ordered your boards.
We will get all of the repairs made and any new ones that show up and make a V2.5 release.

Thanks for all of the feedback. Please continue to report any issues.


ik ben geinteresseert in een mss 2 print borden zijn ze bestukt ? welk is je vraagprijs
ik ben van antwerpen

Is it ok to mount this pcb vertically so that arrow on the case is pointing down? Previously I had CMPS14 and I used it ok mounted like that but now I have BNO085.


@steyrfons please send info true on my name and press message

Arrow need pointing forward, but you can edit code and use pitch for roll

//Swap BNO08x roll & pitch?
const bool swapRollPitch = false;

Set to true, line 44 in Autosteer_GPS_teensy_v5_5.ino


Here is a good set of Dual GPS configuration files.


@Jhmach when will you release the V2.5?

Best Regards,

Maybe is useful to add a possibility for connecting a qwicc cable on the board to connect the bno085 for mounting it in each orientation.

PRT-17258 SparkFun | Mouser Austria

We can have everything but the heavy traces done pretty soon. The heavy traces will require a major rebuild, and may be closer to the end of the year.
I will post an update when the small changes have been completed.


How can I connect a relay board for section switching or for hydraulic lift to the board?

for single we stick to Tony’s config file (Tony F9P Right)?

Which way did you find best to print? is there a way to lay it out without supports?




What solution did you use for the 6 pin UDP on the teensy.?

The female plug welded by JLCPCB is much lower than the others… :thinking::thinking:

Where do we know about the faults of the standard f9p PCB with ampseal 23 connector?

There is the dimension defect of the power tracks for the cytron and I also read that there was a problem with the 3.3V of the teensy4.1 but I did not see any solutions recommended for this last problem.


If I mount it like it would be the best in Valtra cabin, then BNO085 Y-arrow would be pointing forward and X-arrow pointing down. Does it work like this if I change the code?