All in One PCB

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Nice to meet you! My name is Joel. I’m from the US. I live in Eastern Wyoming. Thank you! Thank you for the information. I have heard from multiple people that both are 5v regulators and then a few people say the teensy4.1 controller uses a 3.3 regulation and the gnss uses a 5 volt regulator. You know why there are two different answers?

Sweet thank you!

Are you sure. Everything I’m seeing shows these both to be 5v. Based on the Std-Amp BOM and this schematic. Am I using the wrong documents? The boards I received from JLC came with both populated the same. I checked my board and I have 3.3vdc at the pins that call for it

Yes sorry I was looking at a Micro PCB which does have a 3.3V regulator on it.

The teensy receives 5V from the 7805 regulator. The 3.3V on the schematic is from the teensy. Teensy converts 3.3v from 5v input.
The micro requires more current to run the f9ps than is safe to pull from the teensy so it has a 7803 regulator to supply its power
Good information above on adding the regulators. BUT, make sure you remove the teensy and F9Ps before testing power after you solder the regulators in. This way you wont fry these expensive components if you have the regulators in backwards

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Any ideas why I have 12v to ground as well as 12v to the teensy and micro headers?

Justin 8366,

What an amazing job on that board! Can you tell where the 2 wires going out the back are going to? Thanks!

Hey do you use the 24 volts in right behind the 5v voltage regulators for anything?

I don’t know what 12v to GND mean but 12V to teensy or micro typically mean inverted regulators

I had 12 volts between the ground on my power supply, and ground on the PCB. I found the problem! Pin 23 (which was connected to ground on my power supply) was not fully pushed into the ampseal connector.

That is the 24v input from the step up converter. If you go back to my posts from yesterday I talk about what I planned to do with it. I’m trying find a decent bulkhead connector that will fit. The one I have model doesn’t have quite enough room with dual gps.

Does this wiring diagram still apply to the AIO board? if yes where do we hook the current sensor to? Blue signal wire to A0, but where would be the best to get 5V and ground? or by chance do I not need the current sensor just the mod to the cytron?


Current sensor is mounted on the AIO already.

Can you tell me where on board the current sensor is?

Amd how to connect with steer motor i wonder.

Or is it just connect current jumper to ground and it will measure cytron current on pwm?

The current flowing into Cytron flows through the ACS712 current sensor chip.

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So nothing to adjust then only oick current sensor in aog.??

Yes :grin:

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