All in One PCB

I only tested it, the structure is planned like this:
ISO 11786 Pin 4 controls an automotive relay NC, which supplies the Arduino and the 1 channel relay module with power. If the hitch is raised (12 V Pin 4), the Arduino is without power.
As soon as the hitch is down (0 V Pin 4), the sketch starts. If pulses are detected, the slider on the spreader remains open. If no pulses are detected, lifting of the hitch is simulated via the relay module (12 V on Pin 4 of the spreader computer) and the slider closes.

Something else controls the spreaderā€™s rate as you change speed?

The rate per se is not controlled. It could only be a new spreader computer, but I donā€™t need it.

What is the latest firmware for v2.4 board? I have v2.4 board and I believe I have some old firmware when it was released under SupportFiles.zipā€¦ I believe it was 5.7.1 or 5.7.2 (I donā€™t really know, I also remember it has V5_5 in the folder name or something like that)ā€¦

Now, I can find only v2.5 firmware here: Boards/TeensyModules at main Ā· AgHardware/Boards Ā· GitHub
And I donā€™t know if, and should I flash v2.5 firmware to v2.4 board? Also comparing code to one I downloaded from, it looks like a lot of code changed?

So, yeah, basically, whatā€™s the latest version for v2.4 board?


Just use aog configomatic and select your board version and it will do it for you.

Hey, thanks for the reply, but thatā€™s not actually the answer Iā€™m seeking forā€¦

I need to make a few modification in the code regarding work switch/button, so I need to compile it on my ownā€¦

Anyways, config-o-matic will not do all for me, no? I still need to specify the board, right? And there is All-in-one (for v2.x) which will flash this hex file AOG-2.5.hex so I suppose this v2.5 should work on v2.4 board because you are suggesting it?

All in all, my question is pretty simple, whatā€™s the latest firmware available for old v2.4 micro board?


I think theres v2.5 code I used to flash on my very first board when configomatic didnā€™t exist yet.

config-o-matic is just an easier way of flashing so you donā€™t have to install Arduino IDE and compile source code, etcā€¦

The firmware here: AOGConfigOMatic/Firmwares/AOG-2.5.hex at main Ā· lansalot/AOGConfigOMatic Ā· GitHub
is the same as firmware here: Boards/TeensyModules/AIO v2.5/Firmware/Autosteer_gps_teensy_v2_5.ino.hex at main Ā· AgHardware/Boards Ā· GitHub (same result as manually building this from the source Boards/TeensyModules/AIO v2.5/Firmware/Autosteer_gps_teensy_v2_5 at main Ā· AgHardware/Boards Ā· GitHub)

But in my case, yeah, I need to compile it from the sourceā€¦ Just wondering if v2.5 firmware is supported on v2.4 boards since firmware v2.5 didnā€™t exist when I made v2.4 boardā€¦

It must be, those are the same boards but could have some mistakes fixed.
It also says aog v5 on the boards but im using aog v6 with no problems.

I think you can simply try it out, make an I/O-Check afterwards, check the leds, outputs, in my opinion nothing fatal can be happen.

Remark, you can compare the I/Os from the teensy (Programm code) before, if you like more security

Anyone selling all in one pcbs in the uk ?


i have message him havent got a reply yet