AOG Autosteer Dual GPS PCB

I found this Qwiic Shield for Teensy, should be able to connect the BNO085

SparkFun Qwiic Shield für Teensy, Extended

Hello. I tested many times, I did not turn on autosteer. Where do you think I might be going wrong?

You must drive faster than 1 km/h.

Should I just use a wire for R8 or a 47 ohm resistor?

Unless you are powering an led lighted switch, you dont need R8, just leave it open. The 470 ohm resistor is only used to Udc if you use a danfoss valve.

Please tell me, I will repeat the question for clarification. It was already asked at the beginning of the thread. Maybe there were some changes. Will it work with IMU and a single simple RTK?

Yes, the same board and software work with both dual F9P or single GPS & IMU

Thanks for the answer. Understood.

Is I fuse between this board and the 12 volt power supply needed? If so, what size?

Not a bad idea. I have mine fused. I run a danfoss valve so 5A is plenty. If you power your cytron drive from the incoming 12v power, and if you use a radio for rtk, that will need to be taken in to account.

So I’ve got the board built and powered up. Everything looks good but I am having trouble getting my laptop to pull up the device. I’m using an Ethernet to USB adapter so I am wondering where the problem is at. Laptop? Teensy 4.1? Adapter? PCB? Could anyone give me some pointers? Should it come up as a COM port or something else? I can connect straight to the teensy fine via the micro b connector.

Should come up as ethernet 2. Go in and change your ip for ethernet 2. Make sure you look at the Teensy code and see if its .1 or .5, if its recent code it should be .1
Try that first

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Did you design using the easyEDA program? Is it possible for me to get the design to redo the PCB layout? I was going to try redesigning it as sdm and making it polite. Is this possible?

Autosteer_Dual GPS (169.1 KB)
See if this has everything

The teensy code has this for its IP address: What should I use for the IP address in the network settings on the tablet and also the gateway? Apparently this is a .1 network so I changed that in AgIO. I am using 24 for the subnet prefix leangth/subnet mask but can’t seem to figure it out.

Just set it to or something, just not .111 I have something different on every tablet it seems. subnet 24, for the gateway use

So, I have tried multiple times without luck. Do you have any more pointers? I am starting to wonder if it has something to with the teensy code possibly as I see no reason as to why it should not work.

First, I would set AOG to simulator mode. Check and see what the yellow light is doing on the RJ45 jack. If it is blinking slow, you don’t have a network connection. If it is blinking fast you have established a connection. You must have your gps in good sky with a good signal before it will work out of SIM mode.

Not sure if this the problem but when the board is powered on only the green led lights up solid. I have not seen the yellow led light up yet.

What equipment and software are you using. If it is the dual GPS autosteer board, make sure you have the latest aog. Look in the top 50 lines of code in the Teensy sketch, I dont remember what line it is. It will give the option set to 1 for ethernet. Make sure it is set to 1. Then re load the sketch.