AOG on Autosteer ready New Holland T6-175 year 2018

Which AOG version do you plan to use (V4.3.10 or V5.1.4)

I plan to use 5.1.4, (that’s why the CMPS14 and not the BNO8X)

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That means when you turn the key to start tractor that wire get 12 v, thereby power the cut off relay (And cut power to all GPS related systems, when starting engine)

In my setup I tried to use as many of the original wires as possible, but not so easy!
But my Button is only to activate autosteer (steer input on PCB) One wire to the PCB, the other to same GND as the others, at the right side (behind side trim (to the back) about 40 cm below fuse-box)

I guess you have steer ready tractor!

Ignition must be on and the original Autosteer switch on tractor panel must be on, before the two relays which allows connection all the way from x716 to coils at valve (the 2 left/right coils), are activated.
Edit: as it seems you don´t have a correct wire sheet for your tractor, then disconnect x710, ignition on +autosteer on and measure connection where those wires go (or read number on wire and find other end, color may shift but numbers don´t.)

Today I recommend to make your own new (and thicker) wire for 12 V, instead of the thin 3187.

You should also leave the GND/return wires 3164 and 3166 in x710 and take them to your Cytron (or IBT_2) from X716
(Maybe on your tractor 3164 and 3166 already are put to GND somewhere else compared to mine. AKA not going to x716 anymore)

So only thing to find in x710 is the 3168 (on the side going to dump valve) and put your own wire from 3168 to your box, where you have a high level triggered relay (search for: arduino relay high level trigger) or a mosfet relay like on the new Kaupoimod pcb v4 (also in suport folder)
On kaupoi v4 you connect 3168 to SW out 12V The other end of Dump valve has GND already on the tractor.

I would recommend to use the Steer.png file in support folder (same both in support download for v4 and v5) it is much simpler and the one I follow.

Today (v5) you should connect pressure sensor to A 0 on Nano and tune bar/cut off value in AOG settings. That means you don´t need the transistor any more. (find the Analog IN on PCB)

This also means, that you do not connect anything to the “encoder” input, because that info goes in via A 0
The steer.png shows a step up converter (12 to 24 V) You do not need that one.

Thanks a lot for yout answer.

Yes I have a steer ready tractor :slight_smile:

The steer diagram in zip file looks to be quite the same than the diagram that I use.

So I just need to delete the wire from dump valve to the SRD-05VDC-SL-C (the arduino high level trigger if I well understand).

I also should connect the signal wire from pressure sensor to A0. I think that I always would need to install a potentiometer and a resistor ?

(sorry for the dumb questions but I have only basic hardware knowledge).

[quote=“Val, post:26, topic:4468”]
Yes I have a steer ready tractor :slight_smile:

The steer diagram in zip file looks to be quite the same than the diagram that I use. :+1:

So I just need to delete the wire from dump valve to the SRD-05VDC-SL-C (the arduino high level trigger if I well understand).
The Arduino type has optocoupler which protects the Nano better.
Look further down about wires

I also should connect the signal wire from pressure sensor to A0. I think that I always would need to install a potentiometer and a resistor ?
If you want to use the Remote input (the O in) like in the schematics you posted above then yes.
But if you use A0 on PCB going direct to Nano, and use the settings (see page 14 and 15 in the new Manual.pdf) then no.

I had a new close look at the schematic you put above, and you have put wire numbers correct.
The only wire to remove is the green (same color as your ? mark) the line between relay and pressure sensor. (I don´t know why it is there, but maybe a different pressure sensor with 4 pins)

The only wires you probably should not use are 3100 and 3140, because the tractor already feeds WAS with 5V and GND.
I just made a Y connection between the two connectors at front of tractor for 3120 (WAS signal). This way you still have signal to control the (automatic) differential lock on tractor.

Notice: The wire 3168 comes from tractor ecu to x710 (tractor ecu probably controls by CAN messages between original GPS and tractor ecu, and gives 12 V to 3168 when everything is OK).
That is why I connect my own wire from arduino relay to wire 3168 at x710 .

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Finally made a new wiring diagram, that should work with AOG V 5 and using Kaupoi PCB V4.1
Look for the T6-175 CNH 1_2.pdf

But you should check the very nice build that Fivefinnishfarmers made for his Puma 230



Great project! Like it a lot.
I have a T5120 auto-command from 2020.

GPS preparation is on it out of the factory.
But… the connector is different (26 pins)

Where can I download/buy the service manual?
Who knows if there is a connector that could be bought that will fit on this?

I am on phone at the moment.
But you probably have a can driven autosteer on such a New model. So go the can way you find on discourse.
Also look in the case IH puma 230 thread
Somewhere there is a thread About a cnh with Danfoss can valve.
Edit : try Google and ask: service manual nh t5. 120
Date of manual should probably be after 2016
You might even find one in your own language.
Edit 2: look in canbus around post 433 CanBus for Beginners - Super Simple

On this model of car it should not have predisposition for autosteer, if you look in the hood under orbitroll you have no valves, that connector is used to mount intelliview but you use ezpilot, I am a mechanic in a caseih workshop, I take this opportunity to introduce myself, I call Leonardo and I am Italian, I am a mechanic and I have been following the forum for a while, I also have a farm and I own two tractors, case maxxum 125 mc and same silver3 110 continuo

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Thanks Lars!

I’ve been reading and reading and came to the conclusion that i first have to find out if the steering valve is analog or digital (CANBUS).

If it’s CANBUS then I have to find out if I can read it out from the ISOBUS connector I guess?
Furthermore I will go to the dealer to see if they have the manual. The tractor is really new, I’m not so sure if the manual online is the real situation.

Will be continued :slight_smile:

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Note : The repair/service manual you want is about 3000 pages in pdf file!
But maybe there is a specific part for autosteer?

Superseal 1.0 26 pin

You can get them at the usual electronics suppliers, or punch the part number into Aliexpress for cheaper generic ones.

Just look under the hood at the steering orbital, take a picture and then we will see.

So… I’ve been looking at the tractor. I could not find the orbital (I think).
It looks like it’s right below the cabin and not visible from the outside.

I’ve taken some pictures of valves, but I think these are not the right ones.
Furthermore I’ve found out that there’s a ISOBUS connector inside the cabin.

Also, I have attached a picture of the sensor in the steering wheel.

From what I’ve seen the tractor has ISOBUS, but I still don’t know if the orbital is connected to the ISOBUS :frowning:

Anyone with great ideas?


The label say Front Hitch, so not valves for autosteer.
Steer sensor has 6 wires, so probably a double analog hall sensor type.
Check if any of the 6 wire numbers on the sensor, can be found in the 26 pin plug in cabin.
Follow the tubes from steering cylinders back to steer orbitol/steer valves.
Check if that dump valve is actually connected to steering.

I repeat, the connector you have in the cabin is to connect intelliview and have the second monitor on the side column, the valves you photographed are to control the suspension of the front axle, the easiest way to understand if your tractor has the predisposition is look on the roof if you have the antenna cable.
Can you take some pictures of the cabin? Have you already intelliview? Do you have a CVX machine?

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I have just check my Case CVX 2012.
Wire 720-3 3187 is 0 volt all the time. Button on the rigght colon on or off and press botton on the command arm press or not. All the time 0 volts.
What is the problem ?
3185 allways with 13 v.

many thanks

i want to try to connect my PCB v2 in hydraulics…

I try to understrand.
Am I correct?
Case cvx 230 with PCB v2. AOGv5.2

GND pcb → 716.30 + 1 + 40
Cytron A → 3163
Cytron B → 3165
12v + pcb → 3168
A0 → 3160 (or A2 ???)
Switch botton on steer pin

And that’s all? Except was, i know

No relay?

For 12v pcb.
The red or the green on my picture?

Have to look at the wiring diagram.
But 12 V the green circled is only for very small 12V out (what goes out there must all pass the D2 whic has 3A Max together with the rest of the pcb)

You can use the red circled 12V out as 12V in if you want to skip the relay on the pcb.

3160 must be connect to A2 or A0 ?
(for AOG 5.2 and pcb v2)