Autosteer Single GPS+IMU+Panda

Found this on the pdf
I will try it tomorrow

Solved, pins 7-8 needs jumper.

RX do not work on uart without jumper.

Thats why can’t get fix, now works.

Box for Teensy 4.1 and Ethernet 1 option, Chinese BNO08X, rtk2b. Dupont F to F cables no pcb. (3.6 MB)

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Should I be concerned, about the IMU reading !

We did some testing yesterday, IMU was 90deg. off all day.

I believe when the IMU powers up it always shows 0 deg. So AoG doesn’t care about it’s absolute heading but rather how the heading is changing.

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Thank u.

Apologies if this has already been covered but i have recently upgraded to teensy, imu and panda and i am still struggling to get it to steer straight on rough ground. Its seems to compensate for the movement of the antenna as the tractor falls into a hole and creates a wiggle. Have a missed something or do i need to change something in the settings? Its version 5.5 lego version and im using a cnh hydraulic valve.

Make sure you set your roll filter to 0.
Check your tractor mesurements(mostly antenna height).
Check roll direction(invert if needed).
Park on flat concreate and roll zero.
Also check BNO position (make sure your X axis on the BNO is pointing towrads the front wheels if not either rotate sensor or update to 5.7.2 and swap it in the settings)

Im experienced a weird issue with one of my tractors. Using all in one board with teensy completly identical between my two tractors that use teensy. One works flawlessly and the other ones gos sometimes stopes communicating with teensy, the white antenna in AGIO goes red, but the rest stay green, after i switch the power off and then on it works again. This happens randomly and its really frustrating, can someone help please.

Thanks @Stefan98 my roll needed inverted so much better now although not perfect yet. What should fix distance be set at? I think mine is 1m.

Check your voltage regulator.
I have this problem and put aluminium on it. It run correctly.

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@steph40 Thanks, so the problem is the 7805 is overheating? Makes sense considering the tractor that is having the problem is a older tractor withouth AC. But then again yesterday when i powered up the board it worked for 1m and it went red after a restart worked again.

Check for bad solder points

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@NHman i run my fix to fix at 0,6m, seems to work best for me.

PP settings


@Larsvest I was thinking the same, ili check later

Thanks @Stefan98 i will try that next time im using it. What type of valve do you use?

Can I have cmps and bno on the same panda board?
I have changed from cmps to bno and have roll issues. I did zero roll on flat concrete l did inverted imu but with cmps was better.

Not both at the same time.
Try checking if the axis is good. I had a problem with the incorrect axis of my BNO.

Bno is at the front of the tractor f9p is at the back
Aog 5.5 lego version

Fusion 90:10 and it’s most stable

Also my antenna is at 160cm,but I am at 100 in aog and I have usb extension cable from panda box to tablet

I am doing something very similar to yours. Are you seeing any failures reading the BNO08x from the ESP32?

Periodically the ESP32 starts reading zeros from the IMU and hardware reset is needed to recover. I know there are issues with I2C and the BNO devices on the ESP32.