Autosteer Single GPS+IMU+Panda

I think the key to crowd wisdom is either 'no knowledge of others guess’s ’ or ‘knowledge of best previous guess’. Also using median, not mean value.

Mostly I want to experiment, AOG lets you try any absurd modification, I like that.

The yard is finally dried up enough after the 3" of rain we got, so tomorrow is the day I get to see what happens with PANDA+V2 Imu and PANDA alone. Hardest part so far was trying to find a spot for an Ethernet switch on an open station tractor.

All the same, with the sketch in 5.6.11 with CMPS 14, the program freezes. Works fine with BNO.

I tried all sorts of combinations and locations but PANDA dislikes my lawn mower.

I disabled the second Bno by changing the i2c search address in the V2 box ino so it could not pick it up and tested to make sure it was quiet.

Put the panda box in a couple locations but could not tune out jumps of 7cm. But fortunately regular AOG already gives me panda like rows.

Tests with two BNO, just gave a slow wave.

Might be a small machine issue, I do find regular sized tractors simpler to tune in general. I also found with PANDA uturn would really fall behind.

My speed was 6km/h, Antenna over the rear axle, tried two different antennas patch and helical. Might be something else I am doing, was really hoping it was straighter than current.

If PANDA advantage is just sync of IMU with GPS then on flat ground or tilted without bumbs there should not be any difference?

Only on rough and bumpy terrain where out off sync IMU makes tractor go out of line. Or is there something more done with teensy ?

Exactly, it’s better on rough terrain, because GPS and tilt are sync. It’s doesn’t have other advantage performance wise.
A new built should use Panda, if you don’t have problem with bumps no need to upgrade for now.

Edit: A new build should not have the IMU on the steer board, you should use PANDA or Dual GPS.

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Straighter should be straighter regardless. We have all seen PANDA work in both movies and still photos.
I may have just jumped right into a bug. Will wait to see more reviews.

This is regular AOG performance, running 2cm overlap. But i could not tame PANDA.

Why be straighter? In flat field no IMU, normal AOG with IMU, PANDA IMU should have identical performance, only performance advantage for PANDA is potholes like situations where out of sync IMU makes tractor not compensate for tilt from pothole when GPS position is taken in hole and IMU is out of sync.

There is no better algorithm or anything to make PANDA go straighter then normal AOG right now in flat field.

For new build that will use teensy 4.1 PCB is good for upgrade no so much teensy cost as much as entire V2 board and I dont see any teensy upgrade boards for V2 just for KaupoiMODv4.

Revisiting upgrade in couple years when there will be new teensy specific functionality.

Or if there will be 5$ clones notify me :slight_smile:

A small tractor is a very bumpy ride because it does not squish the bumps. If Panda can compensate for bumps and holes and stay straight, the flatter areas should be no challenge whatsoever.

Another difference im not sure if it matters, the regular AOG has the IMU in an aluminum box, I put Panda in plastic. But still I will wait to see more results. For now I think I will stick with GGA over UDP.

Panda just gave me jumps lazy wiggles, I tried many ways to tune it out but had no luck.

For BNO08X in game rotation vector it dosnt. Only on rotation vector where you use magnetometer it matters (+1 over CMPS14).

Even with normal tractor my problems come from hole throwing tractor away from line side ways and it is hard manually to follow the line, autosteer even harder to get back because whole terrain is rough.(after plough)

If normal AOG makes good lines then there something off with PANDA.

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Anyone have an extra BNO :wink: lol hays gonna be cut by the time they ship it seems like…PANDA might have to wait.

What GPS code did you have running? What was the antenna settings? Roll settings (roll wasn’t backwards or fwd/back) and is the antenna location the same as the standard version?

hello your f9p is in 1.32 which file did you put for configuration? thank you

Antenna was in the same spot directly over the rear Axle. have a large metal washer glued down to the canopy with caulking for magnetic bases. tried two styles of antennas.

Will double check roll again to be certain, that actually would explain it, need to cut grass again probably in a week and a half. If it was backwards it would cause a wobble.

set up the GPS from scratch as I was using a sparkfun board with 1.32, but followed the instructions in the .ino for message setup. set it up the same way as my other two sparkfun f9p which work great on both mower and stieger.

Here is the F9P file I was using for 1.32.
AgOpenGps Sparkfun PANDA v1.txt (25.0 KB)

Going down that check road, also see what your setting is in invert roll.
You told earlier you have two IMU´s so that might not be important, as they are not connected to same wires/pcb.

I would imagine it would be bad, if both IMU´s are placed in same direction, and invert roll is on, to show angle in AOG correct on tablet.
Meaning that panda IMU has to be opposite direction, if Invert roll is on to show the other IMU correct.

For PANDA set roll filter to 0 or 1


Roll filter was at 30😬, that could be it.

As soon as I was having issues disabled the second imu by changing i2C addresses to invalid ones in v2 ino.

Where can I download a PCB for autosteer single GPS + Imu + Panda ?

Support files on github have the panda board. no IMUs available to buy right now though.