Beta Test of v4.61 NEW update! (report Bugs Only please)

Does it work with cmps?

what a change! a little confusing at the start I have not really tested but I find that the visual indication of the activation of the automatic guidance and the uturn lacks visibility and I regret the disappearance of the steering adjustment graph if not the regrouping its functions simplify things. again well done and thank you for all this work

Same for me, can you write the code with centimeters, please ? (for U turns)

Looks really cool.
But one thing I don´t understand.
I created a boundary curve. But it has a gap.
Do you know whats the reason?

11 posts were split to a new topic: Beta Test of v4.6 - (Feature requests only please)

Zooming in and out with the fingers seem to me that is working in reverse

Worked once
Touch the straight ab line after resuming or starting a new field.
It was working, but I had some numbers wrong in my vehicle setup, so I opened it while in an open field and tried to change turn radius.
Now it does this when
Thought the left right offset was tread width.
Changed it and its good

Understandable, you’re right

I would prefer a “save” button here. Would be more clear.


I think the Field done calc is wrong.
I just moved outside the field, but it incremented the Done value


It keeps track of the work you do, not whether you are inside the boundary

What does “free till 15 March” mean? Will there be a licence fee coming?

6000 euro :slight_smile:


$9200AUD!! Outrageous. I expect you fellas to spend the hours on end pulling your hair out while programing to provide me with some cool software for free Hahaha. But seriously even at that price its still 1/3 the cost of a brand name rtk system with section control and end of row u turn


I’d better start saving :slightly_smiling_face: as I really like all the new features especially the improved steering, tramlines and boundary curve. It’s absolutely brilliant thank you.

One small problem is that I can’t seem to change Min Unapplied.

Also is there a reason why in section control I can’t seem to get Off(secs) to be larger than On(secs)? My sprayer takes longer to stop spraying than to start.

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Thank YOU to develop group.
I like the graphics, easy to understand without text, but I would prefer more difference between the two green colors in the button for autosteer configuration.

Maybe a bug when using a normal keyboard. when pressing space (after last word) cursor jumps to start of line, space can be made in middle of word, as seen in Number 1Tractor.
This does not happen when using screen keyboard.
If typing this: Same silver, then it will look as the saved vehicle here.
Maybe it is because I have these letters on keyboard ÆØÅ :slight_smile:

found something, not sure its a glitch or even really a problem.
I was playing with a field learning the in and outs of making boundary’s and AB lines,
Then I changed the implement width and reduced it to one section instead of 3. after that all the painted lines showing the ground I already covered lost a butch of area. the area that the calculator in the top corner was still right but as you can see in the pic the old painted area’s are very incomplete. Capture.PNG

Also, I coudnt find where you could change the angle of the already made AB lines?

Also if I had to request one more thing it would be that there is more green or red showing on the steering wheel and u turn icon, just to see at a distance with a glance to know if its on or not. maybe the square behind the symbol change color?

Thanks to all of you putting the work into getting this right! I am really looking forward to autosteer this summer.

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ya, that’s a decision i guess that was made. is a lot easier given the limitations imposed by read an array of pixels more then anything

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Well ya, the triangles drawn by the removed sections - are also removed. So really good idea to start the field with the sections you will be using.

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You are saving an actual file name so the characters are limited to windows filenames valid characters. For giggles here is the mutex excusion string to kick you out if entering a non compliant char. I will check the spacebar though, that is odd.

fileRegex = “(^(PRN|AUX|NUL|CON|COM[1-9]|LPT[1-9]|(\.+)$)(\…)?$)|(([\x00-\x1f\\?:";‌​|/<>])+)|([\.]+)”;