Bugs v4.3.10

When steer chart is open and you exit from data sources menu, the exit program pop up comes under steer chart and user can not klick ok to contunue. This means you are jammed and can’t klick anyting in the program.


I had that also! I found if you hit enter on the keyboard it closes!

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Thank You ! Thank You ! It’s pretty irritating when you forget the sequence and block yourself from closing AOG.

i’ve replaced this bug into a new topic " Bugs v4.3.10
To keep the forum a little more logical :wink:


The light bar offline reading is in centimeters even after you switch the units to imperial

The Onscreen keyboard deletes from end of line instead where the cursor is.
Open UDP Menu > click module IP > set cursor behind 3 (192.168.3|.255) > press backspace >|

The packet counters for: UDP Steer, mach and Sw increment.
Modules show not connected instead of the incoming Data
Schermopname (2)

How do you get that “GPS Data” to display in version 4.3.1? Showed on the left side of screen on earlier versions, but can not find it now.

Tap the speed reading. On top right corner


Perhaps I’m wrong or I make a mistake with 4.3.10 and UDP to Autosteer
I’ve the following things :
When AogSettings, the checksum controlled is OK but when Settings, the controlled checksum
is always compared to the AogSetting checksum ?
I do not see the values of 0x7FFD frame in AOG ?
Has anybody tested the UDP communication with Autosteer ?
Any informations are wellcome …
Best regards

The AOG does not like antenna Offset. Placing 30 cm to the right made the screen very angular. Direction assigned left and right 45, 90 degrees.
By setting the offset to 0 cm, made a straight pass.30cm_offset

Seems strange, I am using a -89cm offset with my setup, and works great… what GPS antenna setup are you using?

I’m using M8T based GPS with my own base station and Rtk2Go. While doing test drive I noticed my GPS antenna was in 30 cm offset to the right. So i added this number to Antenna setting.

Where is the antenna mounted on the tractor, is it actually offset by 30cm?

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It is mounted on the roof with magnets. Because of the Proto configuration and because the power cord is too short, it is on the edge of the roof. The final assembly comes in the middle of the roof and the problem is solved.

And if you set it to -30 (to the left)

GPS antenna offset 30 or -30 (does not matter)
Fix from GGA, NMEA 5 Hz
GPS Heading from Fix to Fix
Heading Correction Source from Autosteer
Fix to Fix distance 1.0 meters
IMU <-> GPS Default 25
Roll None

If GPS Heading from GPS
then the screen is almost stable, however
using autoster, steering is restless.

On a mile long field with auto uturn enabled the program would crash, it appears that there is a for loop with 1600 iterations when searching for boundary in front of the tractor, but on a long field the loop exits before the boundary is found and causes it to crash. It works just fine on shorter fields but not on longer ones, anyone else having this issue?

I think I have found a bug, i used the code ‘AOG_SectionControl’ from Mtz8302, but when i turn section 6 (connected to A5) off AOG turns all sections off. I use 7 sections, the other sections work fine. Not sure if it’s in the code or in AOG.

I checked the input from Machine port and it gives with section 1 closed: 2, section 2: 4, section 3: 8, …, section 6: 64, section 7: 128. So I guess nothing wrong there.