February 6, 2024, 9:24pm
hello everyone. I have used ardusimple f9p with antenna as a light bar to learn the software. now im looking into steering our mf6718s over canbus. is the standard AIO board compatible with can bus as i bought the standard f9p not the micro ?
thanks in advance
Search for 6718s and you’ll find all you need to know.
(Makes no difference whether std or micro)
February 6, 2024, 9:45pm
ok thanks also is there any components i can omit as i dont need steering motor ?
February 7, 2024, 10:37pm
If massey is gps ready you dony need any thing else.
So, finally getting time to write this one up. While look at a friend’s CVX240, I couldn’t help but admire the nice shiny new 6718S sitting next to it. Very tidy machine, jumped up in the cab, nice monitor… “aye, it’s steer ready”. Me: “oh, do you have RTK etc?”. Owner: “no, no unlocks for anything, it’s just ready”.
I had that AOG All-In-One board just sitting there, so time to go browse the CANBUS pages and see what all it entailed. I’d already read Tony’s excellent CANBUS for beginner…
February 8, 2024, 3:35pm
Ok I mean as in the components on the aio board is there specific connectors for hydraulic systems or motor control that I won’t need