CanBus for Beginners - Super Simple

I said before that “There is also a 10 wires plug, on wich there is 5V (2014), ground, 5200 (should be 12V), 391 and 392 (CAN wires), 2095 blue (5V ground I think), 2176, 2177, 2179, 2180 (yellow wires)”.

I also noticed that the 2179 wire is linked to the ON/OFF autosteer switch. (So that’s possible that the left and right valve are controlled by CANbus (and powered by 12V orbitrol). I don’t really understand how works the wires on the relay.

That looks like a CAN valve but I’m not too sure what brand? If you have a CANBUS shield just connect the CAN wires turn the valve ON and see what messages are there, copy / paste from the serial monitor and save as text then we can see if it’s talking standard ISO messages.

Do you want to try it on your tractor? Should be able to make that work easy enough.

I thought the 10 wire plug was found in the cab!

In the case Puma I saw the PVED CLS, probably the same in NH.
The exact description is embossed on the bottom of the control valve.

This is not my tractor but my cousin’s. Currently we are testing using ogpengps 4.3.1 on a new holland tractor with a fluid system valve. He just bought a pre-equipped lindner tractor that works with canbus. Can you help us?

For sure, order the parts and we can make it work.

Order the list with 2x Arduino and 2x CANBUS shields

@Val maybe you can check for marking? Order a CAN shield so we can test the CAN.

It could be a Danfoss, I just thought the shape of the controller looked different?

I placed the order this afternoon (2x MCP2515 CAN Module). I should have the equipment next Wednesday or Thursday.

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It works on my valtra t174 active with autosteer ready :+1:


Thank you so much for all the information in this topic. I have a Claas 630 Arion that is steer ready and it would be fantastic if it will work with AOGs. I have the Unos and can shields and have the bench tests working for project one and the Massey. I haven’t had success yet with the tractor, I think I maybe connecting to the wrong bus. I have used the ‘all can’ program and connected to the ‘CAN low in’ and ‘CAN high in’ pins on the 9 pin socket on the right hand side down by the power plugs. I’ve turned on the steering switch but I don’t see any xxACxxxx messages they are all 8CFxxxxx messages. There is a 12pin TE HDSCS connector on the right of the driver’s seat which I don’t know the pinout for but it looks like it’s for the Claas navigation controller so perhaps I should be connecting through there? Any advice on where I’m going wrong would be much appreciated.

Can I use the IMU Brick 2.0 insetad of the BNO085 or CMPS14?

What does the serial number of your arion 630 start with? If its pre mother regulation A37, A36 then Tony’s code for his Axion should work. If the 630 is mother reg A96, A97 then it’s a bit different. I hope to get my hands on a mother reg one in next few weeks to have a try.

As for where to connect to the steering CAN, it sounds like you have a tractor with full gps ready(some only have the valve and no gps antenna or plug in roof for claas gps screen) the connector beside the seat would be best. Try pin6 can lo and pin5 can hi.


v5 is only using BNO08x or CPMS14.

Does this mean that you can’t do New Holland or that it doesn’t have CANBUS for steering?

BNO085 is £14 from Digi-Key and miles better than the brick.

Most New Holland’s don’t have a CANBUS steering valve. It’s normally (in older models anyway) just a PWM valve without controller.

But there is the odd one (maybe the newer models and some pivot steers) that have CANBUS steering valves but I have not tested any or seen any recordings of the steering CAN.

You could use other data from the ISOBUS tho, hitch, pto, etc

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Thanks, dad has a newish one. He is not interested in hacking on to the system adding WAS and motors to turn the steering wheel. But might could have sold him on a couple of wires. I’ll do more studying on what model he actually has. Thanks again.

Many thanks for your reply. The tractor is an A96 serial number and came with the roof antenna. I tried the pins 5 and 6 and found the xxACxxxx messages which is great thanks. I tried the ‘Massey CAN DisplayAC’ code from project three which found the 8CAC1B13 id and showed the the valve status as ready or not when the wheel was moved. I loaded the ‘Massey working code v2’ with the switch and pot but didn’t manage to turn the wheels. Look forward to hearing how you get on with your testing in the next few weeks. If I can test anything on our machine let me know.

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Easy way to check, look at the steering orbital behind engine and see if there is 3 Round solenoids (PWM type)

Or it will just be one black box (CAN Type)

The WAS is normally two connectors bottom right corner of Radiator, PWM type you swap the plug over. The CAN type must just have one connector (don’t have to change it over)