Can't get RTK Fix with NTRIP caster

Still the same problems for me.
The sourcetable has always been available for me

I also had the same problem with the ntrip centipede. On the rtk2go caster, no problem but not possible on centipede.
Here is the solution I found.
A bluetooth xbee module with the lefebure n trip application.
I tested it over 4 days without any problem with a fix as fast as on u center.
Everything is explained here:

Same, need to put ip adresse doen’t work with URL

same problem for me, rtk fix got in less than 10 seconds with u-center and lost with agopengps.

Have you found a solution for what have the problem @Maskym77 ?

Hi BrunoFR61.
For my part, I have solved this connection problem since I installed the Andreas Aortner config file which can be found here:

Hope this is helpful to you.

Thank you, but it is already this config that I made.
If, just after u-center, I open agopengps I have the rtk square but that is lost 10 seconds later.

Are you in ipv4 or 6.
I just had a hard time today with a windows update which reactivated ipv6.
Can you share a picture from ntrip setting page?
Did you save the cfg file as shown in the centipede tutorial?

br2s : you ask about a “cfg” file as “shown in the centipede tutorial” could you please give me the link ?

My two cents : same experience …
Hi, i have just try to connect to centipede too
I have try all the fixes :
Allow Agopengps in Windows Defender
Windows Defender no Firewall
etc …

I try on two or three differents computers.

If i put RTK2go config : this is ok :sunny:
If i put Centipede : KO :japanese_ogre:

Still the same problem for me too.
I have tried all the solutions you gave. On a new fresh installed Windows 10, nothing better.


here is the centipede tutorial link.

I used the same procedure for the Andeas Aortner config file


I also had a lot of trouble connecting to centipede.
I had first worked around the problem with a bluetoohth module and the Lefebure app.
Then I installed the config file, the bluetooth had become unusable but as if by magic, I was able to connect to centipede directly by AOG.
I am not doing any other adjustment in the meantime.
The firewall and ipv6 disabled, no antivirus, public network.

Hi, thank you very much for the link,
My first setup connected AOG via Bluetooth (XBEE) to the simpleRTK2B
Today I do another setup with The PC directly connected by USB to the simpleRTK2B
and I have got a RTK signal via NTRIP Centipede.
So this may be related to the configuration of the board and the error message may be related on a problem of com with the board not from Centipede.
I will do others configurations with the centipede tutorial, thank you again.

Bonjour, avez-vous trouver une solution, j’ai exactement le même problème.
Peut-être que le fait d’utiliser un pc portable plutôt qu’une tablette empêcherait de se connecter au réseau centipede?


J’ai trouvé la cause du problème. Il s’agit d’un problème avec l’application du fichier de configuration de la carte F9P. Dans U-Center, une fois le fichier de config d’Andreas Ortner envoyé, il faut valider l’enregistrement dans la mémoire de la carte en allant dans “View>Configuration view”. Selectionner ensuite “CFG”, s’assurer que l’option “Save current configuration” est cochée et cliquer sur “Send”.

Capture d’écran 2021-04-20 080753

Maintenant ça marche parfaitement pour moi avec .

In english for english speakers :wink:

I finally found the solution for my problem. The problem was with the config file of the F9P. It was not save correctly on the board. After sending the Andreas Ortner config file, the step I missed was to save the config using the “view> configuration view” menu and, in “CFG” menu, sending the save command.

Now it is working flowlessly with caster.


Bonjour, merci pour m’avoir répondu. Donc pour résumer, il ne suffit pas, dès la réception de la f9p, de la brancher et de l’utiliser avec centipede. La f9p a besoin d’être configurer pour recevoir des correction RTK.
Bien à vous.

Effectivement, pour AOG il faut forcement passer par la phase configuration de la carte avant. Par défaut, la carte a un taux de rafraichissement trop lent ce qui empêche AOG de fonctionner correctement (et aussi de fonctionner avec centipede).

Encore un grand merci, ça marche avec la dernière version d’aog. :+1: