It is simply an analog sensor that measures the pressure in orbitrol that is created by moving the steering wheel. The connection is similar to WAS connection, except it is 5V for the pressure sensor.
Pin 29 is 5V
Pin 39 is ground
Pin 19 is 0-5V analog signal for arduino.
So basically what the sensor does is that it measures wheter you try to turn the steering wheel and how strongly you turn it. It does not matter wheter automated is engaged or not.
Nice thing about it being analog is that you can adjust the sensitivity (the steering force required) to switch auto steer off.
I’v done it with that little transistor and potentiometer thing for adjustment and connected it to remote pin in the pcb.
I do not recommend this as it is not the best way of doing it anymore.
What you should do is to connect the signal directly to arduino and use the build-in feature of AOG to adjust the sensitivity for auto steer disengagement.
Unfortunately, I’m not fully familiar with this connection as I don’t have it (but I will update to this setup). Maybe @Hansdampf can confirm the connection as he writes about it in his earlier post:
There’s an earlyer discussion about this on larsvest topic